Numbers in English from 1 to 10

Learn to count the numbers in English from 1 to 10 in an intuitive and fun way

Numbers in English from 1 to 10

It is designed for the learning of young children '' Bebe and Pre school ''

Educators can use it as a tool for teaching; For being simple, easy and very fun when learning the numbers in English.

It promotes the development of his psychomotor skills such as capacity for observation, auditory, logical and intuitive thinking.

It makes it easy for small children to manage numbers on the screen and can use it alone or accompanied by an adult, for its simplicity.


It starts with a brightly colored screen, with the first number when you play it, you hear the correct pronunciation of an educator and the fun repetition of the children, then the name of the number will be written in English and so on until 10.

The numbers have different colors very striking and pleasing to children.

For the simple and easy to use and its good pronunciation, it is excellent for teaching children.