Sungjun Park
Sungjun Park, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajou University
Office: +82-31-219-2364
8m10 Campus Plaza, Ajou University, 206 Worldcup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon, Gyeonggi-do 16499, South Korea
2011-2016 Ph. D. School of Materials Science and Engineering, GIST, Gwangju, Korea
Thesis: “Sol-Gel Metal Oxide (MOx) Materials for Unconventional Electronics”
Advisor: Prof. Myung-Han Yoon, GIST (
2010-2011 M.S. School of Materials Science and Engineering, GIST, Gwangju, Korea (2010~ 2011)
Thesis: “Large-area Molecular Electronic Devices on Flexible Substrate”
Advisor: Prof. Takhee Lee, Seoul National Univ. (
2005-2010 B.S. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea (2005 ~ 2010)
Advisor: Prof. Ahn Jae-hwan, Ajou Univ.
2018-2020 Senior Researcher (President of SAIT: Sungwoo Hwang)
Organic Materials Lab., Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), SAMSUNG, Korea
2017-2019 Visiting Researcher (Prof. Takao Someya)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2016-2018 Postdoctoral Researcher (Supervisor: Dr. Kenjiro Fukuda, Prof. Takao Someya)
Emergent Soft System Research Team Center for Emergent Matter Science RIKEN, Japan
★ Best Student Award in GIST Graduation Ceremony (1st ranking in MSE department), GIST
★ Young Scientist Award in E-MRS 2015 [European Materials Research Society]
May, 11-15, 2015 / Lille Grand Palais, Lille, France
★ Best Poster Award in IC-ME&D 2015 [International Conference on Molecular Electronics & Devices]
May, 21-22, 2015 / Hoam Faculty House Convention Center, Seoul National University, Korea
★ Young Scientist Award in IC-ME&D 2013 [International Conference on Molecular Electronics & Devices]
May, 15-16, 2013 / KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
★ Best Poster Award in ICNST 2012 [International Conference on Nano Science and Nano Technology]
Nov, 8-9, 2012 Korea Photonics Technology Institute, Gwangju, Korea
AWARDS in Laboratory
★Best Presentation Award in Industy-academia fair 2021, Ajou, Korea
★Best Poster Presentation Award in ICFPE 2022 [International Conference], Jeju, Korea
★Best Presentation Award in Industy-academia fair 2022, Ajou, Korea
★Minister of Science and ICT Award for Student Creative Autonomous Assignment 2022, Korea
★Best Presentation Award in the Invention Idea Contest 2022, Ajou, Korea
★Best Presentation Award in the Patent Contest 2022, Ajou, Korea
★Best Presentation Award in Industy-academia fair 2023, Ajou, Korea
★Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award in 30nd KCS 2023, Gangwon-do, Korea
★Best Poster Award in 30nd KCS 2023, Gangwon-do, Korea
★Best Presentation Award in KFPE 2023 Spring, Yeosu, Korea
★Best Poster Award in IC-ME&D 2023 [International Conference] GIST , Korea
★Best Poster Award in GPVC 2023 [International Conference], GIST, Korea
★Best Oral Presentation Award in KFPE 2023 Fall, Gangneung, Korea
★Best Presentation Award in Industy-academia fair 2024, Ajou, Korea
★Popular Poster Presentation Award in NCC 2024, Daejeon, Korea
★Best Poster Presentation Award in NCC 2024, Daejeon, Korea
★Best Oral Presentation Award in NCC 2024, Daejeon, Korea
★Best Oral Presentation Award in The Polymer Society of Korea 2024 Spring, Jeju, Korea
★Best Poster Award in IC-ME&D 2024 [International Conference] POSTECH, Korea
★Best Poster Award in KIEEME 2024 Summer, Busan, Korea
★Best Poster Award in NANO KOREA 2024 [International Conference], Ilsan, Korea
★ICT Challenge 2024 최종 우승, 과학기술정보통신부 장관상