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Our Latest Song

Traveling The Speed Of Light Is now currently Live and premiering on our band!

Listen to us on the go!

Visit us on SoundCloud

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How do we do that?

This is not available yet this is coming soon. The developer of this site is currently working on adding this. For now use this link

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If our music is not ad free, and you found an ad well today could be your lucky day :0! Click here if you want to install a special ad blocker

You may find the rest of our site here:

Featured Songs:

Featured songs will show up below!

There are no songs at the moment so please go Here

Then At the top You will find and see: Soft Beat, May you listen to my song and Promote it!?

Then start uploading some songs!

Songs that are in the works:

Traveling The Speed Of Light. Is currently Premiering on our band!

Sneak Peak / Premier

Here is the Premier for our latest song!: