Facilitator's Lounge

Message to Facilitators:

Welcome to the virtual Soft Skills Solutions© training program. This website contains all of the program content including activities and videos.

Below you will find information to help you facilitate the program in a virtual environment.

How to facilitate the program in a virtual environment:

This online program is intended to be delivered by the facilitator through a video conferencing platform. The platform suggested is Zoom or Google Meet as both offer the ability to see the participants in gallery view while sharing the program on your screen. It is imperative that the participants and the facilitator be able to see each other in gallery view at all times as the program is highly interactive with discussion. Facilitators have the flexibility of choosing which ever video conferencing program their organization currently contracts with, as long as it offers gallery view and screen sharing.

Once the facilitator begins to host the session, they will share their computer screen with the participant group. The facilitator will be the only one active on the website - the participants will be viewing the program curriculum through the facilitator's shared screen, with the virtual conferencing platform. It is structured this way so that the facilitator will have complete control of the content being delivered, much the same way in a face-to-face environment.

Throughout the program, you will see the Whiteboard icon. You will use the virtual whiteboard of your choice, to collaborate with the participants, in much the same way as a face-to-face classroom, using it instead of a physical flipboard, whiteboard or chalkboard.

Breakout Rooms: Many of the current popular video conferencing software allow for the ability to create small group break-out discussion rooms. Facilitators are encourage to become familiar with the technology so as to provide this feature. Whenever discussion is required in the program, the facilitator will decide based on the group size and the individuals participating, as to whether they will facilitate a large group discussion or small group discussions, through the use of Breakout Rooms.

To begin the training, simply start on the Home page and proceed through the site in order. The SSS© program was designed to be run over a one week period – approx. 25 – 30 hours of instruction. However, it is advisable to pace the training over 12 to 15 days so that participants are not expected to stay online for more than two hours a day. The following spreadsheet is provided for your convenience to pace out and schedule the curriculum contents. [Suggested SSS© Delivery Schedule]

Preparing the participants for online learning:


Unit 2-fillable form.pdf
Unit 3 fillable form.pdf
Unit 4 fillable form.pdf
Unit 5 fillable form.pdf
SSS Facilitator's Guide - 2.0 (Rev_June1.pdf

Participant Certificates