Participation and fees

To participate, please submit your application to Prof. Leonardo Iania at  by the 14th of July with the words “SoFiE Summer School 2024’’ in the subject box. Decisions will be emailed out by the 15th of July 2024. The applications should include a CV and, in the text of the email, a brief motivation on why you would like to attend this course. The course will offer a limited number of course participants an opportunity to present their current research and receive feedback from the instructors and other course participants. There will be both short presentations and poster sessions. Students interested in making a presentation/poster (which is optional) should indicate so on their application and submit a draft of the research paper that they wish to promote. Students who are selected to make a presentation/poster will be informed at the same time as they receive their admission decisions. 

Fees: 400 Euro for (full-time) Ph.D. students, 600 for (full time) academics (Post-docs, Profs, etc.) and 1100 Euro for others. The course is free for the members of the organising institutions. All accepted participants are expected to be members of the Society for Financial Econometrics or to join before their place is confirmed. Further info on how to join SoFiE is available at (where a student membership option is available). Fees cover the inscription costs, lunches, and coffee breaks foreseen in the program. Confirmation of admission of selected applicants is conditional on receipt of the fee payment in due time (details to be provided in the admission email).