Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
June 13
8:15 - 9:00
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
9:00 - 9:10
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Torben Andersen, Caio Almeida and Marcelo Fernandes
9:10 - 10:00
Plenary Speaker
Chair: Torben Andersen
Maryan Farboodi (MIT)
(Re-)emergence of Big Data in Finance and Economics: Modeling and Measurement
Coffee-Break: 10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:30
Session I: Markets, Return Predictability
Chair: Roberto Renò
Exchange rate uncertainty and interest rate parity
Julian Fernandez-Mejia
Discussant: Paolo Santucci de Magistris
The value of economic regularization for stock return predictability
Eric Wilson, Yoontae Jeon and Laleh Samarbakhsh
Discussant: Svetlana Bryzgalova
Risk premiums in the Bitcoin market
Caio Almeida, Maria Grith, Ratmir Miftachov and Zijin Wang
Discussant: Roberto Renò
14:00 - 16:00
Session II: Options and Firm Level Risk
Chair: Bjorn Eraker
The Growth Effect of Uncertainty about Globalization: Evidence from the Option Market
Mobina Shafaati and Mengying Wang
Discussant: Kris Jacobs
Risk from the Inside Out: Understanding Firm Risk through Employee News Consumption
Fotis Grigoris, Preetesh Kantak, Fahiz Baba-Yara and Carter Davis
Discussant: Rene Garcia
Common Firm-Level Investor Fears: Evidence from Equity Options
Mykola Babiak, Jozef Barunik, Mattia Bevilacqua and Mike Ellington
Discussant: Bjorn Eraker
Coffee-Break: 16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:50
Session III: Methodology
Chair: George Tauchen
Moment Conditions and Time-Varying Risk Premia
Dennis Umlandt
Discussant: Frank Kleibergen
Semiparametrically Optimal Cointegration Test
Bo Zhou
Discussant: George Tauchen
17:50 - 18:00
Closing Remarks
Marcelo C. Medeiros
18:30 - 22:00
Venue: Terraço do Decanato do CTC - 12th Floor of the Cardeal Leme Building
Music presentation by Alvaro Veiga & Caio Almeida
Main Conference Day 1
June 14
8:15 - 9:00
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
9:00 - 9:10
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Juliano Assunção, Andrew Patton, Torben Andersen and Yingying Li
9:10 - 10:00
Plenary Session I
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Marcelo Fernandes
José Scheinkman (Columbia University)
Carbon Prices and Reforestation of the Amazon
Coffee-Break: 10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:30
Parallel Session I
Session A: Factor Models I
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Erik Kole
Targeted Financial Conditions Indices and Growth-at-Risk
Fernando Eguren-Martin, Sevim Kosem, Guido Maia and Andrej Sokol
Misspecification and Weak Identification in the Nontraded Factor Zoo
Amedeo Andriollo, Cesare Robotti and Xinyi Zhang
Macro Strikes Back: Term Structure of Risk Premia and Market Segmentation
Svetlana Bryzgalova, Jiantao Huang and Christian Julliard
High-Dimensional Dynamic Factor Models with Markov-switching
Erik Kole and Christian Brownlees
Session B: Term Structure, Inflation
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Robin Lumsdaine
Asymmetric Violations of the Spanning Hypothesis
Raul Riva and Gustavo Freire
Mind Your Language: Market Responses to Central Bank Speeches
Maximilian Ahrens, Deniz Erdemlioglu, Michael McMahon, Christopher Neely and Xiye Yang
The U.S. Monetary Policy Transmission in Global Equity Markets
Andrey Ermolov, Lina Lu and Shaowen Luo
The Impact of the ECB's Extended Asset Purchase Programme on Euro-Area Inflation: A Synthetic Control Assessment
Robin Lumsdaine and Andreea Dedea
Session C: Macro Asset Pricing
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Rene Garcia
Markup Shocks and Asset Prices
Alexandre Corhay, Jincheng Tong and Jun Li
Time Series Reversal: A Payment Cycle Friction
Giuliano Graziani
The Relative Price Premium
Fotis Grigoris, Preetesh Kantak, Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen and Yun Joo An
Intermediary Leverage Shocks and Funding Conditions
Jean-Sebastien Fontaine, Rene Garcia and Sermin Gungor
Session D: Moment Estimation, Computational Techniques
Venue: L206 (Second Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Eric Ghysels
An L-Moment Approach for Portfolio Choice under Non-Expected Utility
Hasan Fallahgoul, Loriano Mancini and Stoyan Stoyanov
Time-Varying Factor Selection: A Sparse-Fused GMM Approach
Liyuan Cui, Guanhao Feng, Yongmiao Hong and Jiangshan Yang
Generalized ESP Estimators
Ali Atabaigi, Benjamin Holcblat and Fallaw Sowell
On Quantum Ambiguity and Potential Exponential Computational Speed-Ups to Solving Dynamic Asset Pricing Models
Eric Ghysels and Jack Morgan
14:00 - 15:00
Parallel Session II
Session A: Momentum, Lead-Lag Patterns
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Simon Trimborn
Detecting Lead-Lag Relationships in Stock Returns and Portfolio Strategies
Qi Jin, Álvaro Cartea and Mihai Cucuringu
Influential Assets in Large-Scale Vector AutoRegressive Models
Kexin Zhang and Simon Trimborn
Session B: Portfolio Choice with Transaction Costs
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Michael Wolf
A comprehensive machine learning framework for dynamic portfolio choice with transaction costs
Fabio Trojani, Simon Scheidegger and Luca Gaegauf
Markowitz Portfolios under Transaction Costs
Olivier Ledoit and Michael Wolf
Session C: Modeling Features of High-Dimensional Data
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Daniele Massacci
High-Dimensional Covariance Matrix Estimation under Elliptical Factor Model with 2+ε’th Moment
Yi Ding and Xinghua Zheng
Modelling Large-Dimensional Datasets with Markov Switching Factor Models
Matteo Barigozzi and Daniele Massacci
Session D: Option Pricing Models
Venue: L206 (Second Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Kris Jacobs
The Risk and Return of Equity and Credit Index Options
Hitesh Doshi, Jan Ericsson, Mathieu Fournier and Sang Byung Seo
A New Closed-Form Discrete-Time Option Pricing Model with Stochastic Volatility
Kris Jacobs, Steven Heston and Hyungjoo Kim
Poster Display: 15:00 - 15:20
15:20 - 16h20
Parallel Session III
Session A: Stochastic Discount Factor
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Yingying Li
Universal Portfolio Shrinkage
Mohammad Pourmohammadi, Bryan Kelly, Semyon Malamud and Fabio Trojani
Learning the Stochastic Discount Factor
Zhanhui Chen, Yi Ding, Yingying Li and Xinghua Zheng
Session B: Nonlinear Dynamic Factor Models
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Bernd Schwaab
Improving the robustness of Markov-switching dynamic factor models with time-varying volatility
Romain Aumond and Julien Royer
Nonlinear dynamic factor models with interacting location and scale factors
Bernd Schwaab, Geert Mesters and Siem Jan Koopman
Session C: Point and Integer Processes
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Paolo Santucci de Magistris
An unbounded intensity model for point processes
Aleksey Kolokolov and Kim Christensen
Switching Regime Integer Autoregressions
Paolo Santucci de Magistris, Leopoldo Catania and Eduardo Rossi
Session D: Option Pricing
Venue: L206 (Second Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Oleg Bondarenko
What can you really tell from option prices?
Oleg Bondarenko, Yannick Dillschneider, Paul Schneider and Fabio Trojani
Cross-Over Options
Oleg Bondarenko
Coffee-Break: 16:20 - 16:50
16:50 - 17:40
Plenary Session II
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Caio Almeida
Stefan Nagel (University of Chicago)
Real-time Discovery of Return-Based Anomalies
17:40 -19:30
Rapid Fire Poster Presentation
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Marcelo Fernandes
Mutually exciting point processes with latency
Yoann Potiron and Vladimir Volkov
The Efficiency vs. Pricing Accuracy Trade-Off in GMM Estimation of Multifactor Linear Asset Pricing Models
Juan Carlos Arismendi-Zambrano, Massimo Guidolin and Martin Lozano
The effect of stock splits on liquidity in a dynamic model
Christian Hafner, Oliver Linton and Linqi Wang
Biased Signals? Evaluating the Effectiveness of Major Stock Indices as Leading Economic Indicators
Anne Lundgaard Hansen
Directional Information in Equity Returns
Andre B.M. Souza, Luca Del Viva and Carlo Sala
Decomposing Asymmetric Information in Equity Options
Alejandro Bernales, Thanos Verousis and Richard Holowczak
Informational Economic Transmission between Countries: Learning, Common Factors and Category Thinking
Alejandro Bernales and Paula Margaretic
Inflation Volatility and the Directional Volatility Ratio
Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux, Maria T Gonzalez-Perez and David E Guerrero
Forecasting the yield curve: The role of additional and time-varying decay parameters, conditional heteroscedasticity, and macroeconomic factors
João Caldeira, Werley Cordeiro, Esther Ruiz and André Santos
Do Robust Predictors Improve the Accuracy of Inflation Forecasts in Moments of Structural Break?
Emerson Fernandes Marçal and Rodrigo Ashikawa
Mitigating the choice of the duration in DDMS models through a parametric link
Fernando Mendes, Douglas Turatti and Guilherme Pumi
Systemic Risk Measures and Optimized Capital Requirement
Wesley Borges
When Crowds Aren’t Wise: Biased Social Networks and its Price Impact
Edna Lopez Avila, Charles Martineau and Jordi Mondria
Assessing Multivariate Tail Risk Forecasting Using a Vector Autoregressive Tail Index Model for Extremes
Claudio Candia, Rodrigo Herrera and Adam Clements
Forecasting The Yield Curves Using Macroeconomics Expectations and Time-Varying Volatility
Werley Cordeiro, João Caldeira and Guilherme Valle Moura
20:00 - Late
Gala Dinner Plenary Session and Conference Dinner
Venue: Maguje Restaurant
Chair: Caio Almeida
Armínio Fraga (Gávea Investimentos)
Traps and Crossroads
Main Conference Day 2
June 15
9:00- 10:30
Halbert White Memorial Lecture
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Fabio Trojani
Silvia Gonçalves
Bootstrap Inference for Group Factor Models
Discussants: Michael Wolf and Eric Ghysels
Coffee-Break: 10:30 - 11:00
11:00- 12:00
Parallel Sessions IV
Session A: Continuous-Time Methodology
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Paul Schneider
Local Edgeworth expansions
Roberto Renò and Federico Bandi
Kernel Density Machines
Damir Filipovic and Paul Schneider
Session B: Trees and Forests
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Andrew Patton
Currency Return Dynamics: What Is the Role of U.S. Macroeconomic Regimes?
Guanhao Feng, Jingyu He, Junye Li, Lucio Sarno and Qianshu Zhang
Generalized Autoregressive Score Trees and Forests
Andrew Patton and Yasin Simsek
Session C: Correlation Matrices
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Ilya Archakov
Parsimonious Spectral-Based Modelling of Dynamic High-Dimensional Correlation Matrices
Stan Thijssen, André Lucas and Anne Opschoor
Amazing Properties of a New Parametrization of Correlation Matrices
Ilya Archakov and Peter R. Hansen
Session D: Implied Volatility, Volatility Risk Premia
Venue: L428 (Fourth Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Michael Ellington
Neural Tangent Kernel in Implied Volatility Forecasting: A Nonlinear Functional Autoregression Approach
Maria Grith, Hannah Lan Huong Lai and Ying Chen
The Common Factor in Volatility Risk Premia
Mattia Bevilacqua, Mykola Babiak, Jozef Barunik and Michael Ellington
13:30- 14:20
Plenary Session III
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Federico Bandi
Yoosoon Chang (Indiana University)
Market Returns Dormant in Options Panels
14:30- 15:30
Parallel Sessions V
Session A: Asset Pricing with Frictions
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Bradley Paye
From Extinction to Resurrection: Unveiling the Role of Short-Selling Frictions in Cross-Sectional Momentum
Andrea Buraschi and Filippo Pellegrino
Time-Varying Anomaly Premia: Stable Fact or Disappearing Act?
Niels Groenborg, Chun-Wei Lin, Bradley Paye and Allan Timmermann
Session B: Tree Models and Forecasting
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Serge Nyawa
Mosaics of Predictability
Guanhao Feng, Jingyu He and Yuanzhi Wang
On the Connection Between Threshold Models and Trees’ Regressions: Application to Volatility’s Forecasting
Christian Gouriéroux, Nour Meddahi and Serge Nyawa
Session C: Option and the Characteristic Function
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Carsten Chong
Characteristic function-based factor modelling of affine jump diffusions using options
Peter Boswijk, Roger Laeven, Niels Marijnen and Evgenii Vladimirov
The Fine Structure of Volatility Dynamics
Carsten Chong and Viktor Todorov
Session D: Impactful Events
Venue: L428 (Fourth Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Yujing Gong
What events matter for exchange rate volatility?
Igor Martins and Hedibert Lopes
Risk-Corrected Probabilities of a Binary Event
Yujing Gong, Arie Gozluklu and Alex Ferreira
Coffee-Break: 15:30 - 16:00
16:00- 17:00
Parallel Sessions VI
Session A: Stock Risk Premia
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Frank Kleibergen
How to Dominate the Historical Average
Kai Li, Yingying Li, Changlei Lyu and Jialin Yu
Risk Premia from the Cross-Section of Individual Assets
Frank Kleibergen and Zhaoguo Zhan
Session B: Exploiting Option Information
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Artem Prokhorov
Local multiplicative correction of market-implied densities using net demand curves
Jeroen Dalderop and Oliver Linton
Bi-Objective Cost-Sensitive Machine Learning: Predicting Stock Return Direction Using Option Prices
Robert James, Jessica Leung and Artem Prokhorov
Session C: Realized Variation Measures
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Shifan Yu
Efficient Sampling for Realized Variance Estimation in Time-Changed Diffusion Models
Jasper Rennspies, Timo Dimitriadis, Roxana Halbleib, Jeannine Polivka, Sina Streicher and Axel Wolter
Realized Candlestick Wicks
Yifan Li, Ingmar Nolte, Sandra Nolte and Shifan Yu
Session D: Risk Management
Venue: L428 (Fourth Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Yannick Hoga
Managing Hedge Fund Liquidity Risks
Serge Darolles and Guillaume Roussellet
Dynamic CoVaR Modeling
Timo Dimitriadis and Yannick Hoga
17:10- 18:00
Plenary Session IV
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Yingying Li
Alexandre Belloni (Duke University)
Neighborhood Adaptive Estimators for Causal Inference under Network Interference
18:00- 18:45
SoFiE Member Meeting
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Matthew Matysik (SoFiE and Stern School, New York University)
19:30- 22:00
SoFiE Music & Dinner (Registration Required)
Venue: Anfiteatro
Sylver Gang and the High Dimensionals
Main Conference Day 3
June 16
09:00- 09:50
Plenary Session V
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Tim Bollerslev
Robert Stambaugh (University of Pennsylvania)
Green Tilts
Coffee-Break: 10:00 - 10:30
10:30- 12:30
Parallel Session VII
Session A: Factor Models II
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Cisil Sarisoy
Tradable Factor Risk Premia and Oracle Tests of Asset Pricing Models
Alberto Quaini, Fabio Trojani and Ming Yuan
Tests for the Number of Common Latent Factors Between Two Short Panels
Alain-Philippe Fortin
Linear Factor Models and the Estimation of Expected Returns
Cisil Sarisoy, Peter de Goeij and Bas Werker
Session B: Macro-Finance, Prudence, and Externalities
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Susana Campos Martins
Do ESG investors care about carbon emissions? Evidence from securitized auto loans
Christian Kontz
Stormy Investments: Navigating Preferences and Barriers in Weather Disasters
Flavio De Carolis, Rob Bauer and Dirk Broeders
The risk management approach to macro-prudential policy
Simone Manganelli, Sulkhan Chavleishvili, Robert Engle, Stephan Fahr, Manfred Kremer, Frederik Ole Lund Thomsen and Bernd Schwaab
Novel global and regional risk factors
Susana Campos Martins
Session C: Market Microstructure
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Claudia Moise
A non-Normal framework for price discovery: The independent component based information shares measure
Sebastiano Michele Zema and Francesco Cordoni
Intraday Variation in Systematic Risks and Information Flows
Yasin Simsek and Andrew Patton
FX Futures Invariance
Torben G. Andersen, Oleg Bondarenko, Eleni Gousgounis and Esen Onur
Circuit Breakers, Illiquidity, and the COVID-19 Crisis
Claudia Moise
Session D: Fund and Portfolio Management
Venue: L206 (Second Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Enrique Sentana
Mutual Fund Strategy Changes and Performance
Hao Ding
Adaptive Strategies: Robust Large Portfolio Optimization with Heteroscedastic and Heavy-Tailed Returns
Mengmeng Ao, Leheng Chen, Yingying Li and Xinghua Zheng
Dynamic Parametric Portfolio Policies
Rasmus Lönn, Bram van Os and Dick van Dijk
Sieve Managed Portfolios
Xiaohong Chen, Francisco Penaranda, Demian Pouzo and Enrique Sentana
14:00- 15:30
Parallel Sessions VIII
Session A: 0DTE
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Federico Bandi
0DTEs: Trading, Gamma Risk and Volatility Propagation
Bjorn Eraker, Grigory Vilkov and Chukwama Dim
0DTE Asset Pricing
Caio Almeida, Gustavo Freire and Rodrigo Hizmeri
0DTE Option Pricing
Federico Bandi, Nicola Fusari and Roberto Reno
Session B: Tail and Quantile Risk
Venue: Auditório Padre Anchieta
Chair: Rodrigo Hizmeri
Common Idiosyncratic Quantile Risk
Matej Nevrla and Jozef Barunik
The Factor Structure of Systematic Jump Risk
Torben G. Andersen, Viktor Todorov and Seunghyeon Yu
Tail risk and asset prices in the short-term
Caio Almeida, Gustavo Freire, Rene Garcia and Rodrigo Hizmeri
Session C: Forecasting
Venue: Auditório Del Castilho (RDC)
Chair: Wenying Yao
Taking advantage of biased proxies for forecast evaluation
Giuseppe Buccheri, Roberto Renò and Giorgio Vocalelli
Forecasting Intraday Volatility and Densities using Deep Learning
Bruno Morier and Pedro Valls Pereira
Optimal forecasting under parameter instability
Yu Bai, Bin Peng, Shuping Shi and Wenying Yao
Session D: Machine Learning
Venue: L206 (Second Floor of Cardeal Leme Building)
Chair: Jingyu He
Autoencoder Option Pricing Models
Gustavo Freire and Evgenii Vladimirov
Can Machines Learn Weak Signals?
Zhouyu Shen and Dacheng Xiu
Sparse Modeling Under Grouped Heterogeneity with an Application to Asset Pricing
Will Cong, Guanhao Feng, Jingyu He and Junye Li
Coffee-Break: 15:30 - 16:00
16:00- 16:50
Plenary Session VI
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Chair: Dacheng Xiu
Raymond Kan (University of Toronto)
More Pitfalls and Possibilities in Predictive Regression
17:00- 17:30
Closing Remarks and Bates-White Prize
Venue: Salão da Pastoral
Torben Andersen, Yingying Li, Caio Almeida and Marcelo Fernandes