

Geography, landownership inequality, and literacy: historical evidence from Greek regions" with Nikos Benos and Stelios Karagiannis, Journal of Population Economics, Volume 37, 29, (2024)

"The Implications of Religion and Religiosity on the COVID-19 across European Regions" with  Despina Gavresi and Anastasia Litina,  forthcoming at the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population, Springer Nature.  

Working Papers Submitted

"The Implications of Trust on the Spread of COVID-19 in Europe" with Despina Gavresi and Anastasia Litina, R&R at the Journal of Economics and Human Biology.

 Work in Progress

"The Role of Gender and Family Norms on the COVID-19 Spread in Europe" with Despina Gavresi, Anastasia Litina and Georgios Mavropoulos.

"Family Ties and Voting for Populist Parties" with Despina Gavresi,  Anastasia Litina and  Mehmet Pinar.

"A European metropolitan analysis of enterprise births" with Nikos Benos, Stylianos Karagiannis and Sotiris Karkalakos.