An internet friend asked how she could believe in magic again. Everything in her world seemed to be upside down, depressing, covered in a haze. Nothing she did felt magical. Nothing she envisioned manifested itself. She started doubting her beliefs and wondered if magic was real.

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I realized the power concealed in the alphabet on the very first day I joined the adult literacy class. For the first time, I was introduced to letters that stood for my name. In discovering the Nepali alphabet, I discovered I was Cha-me-li and not Cha-mi-li, as everyone used to call me. It felt like magic. A little loop of "e" for "i" changed my name!

I believe in magic

I believe it's true

You can feel it everywhere

It's in me and it's in you

I believe in magic

I believe it's true

You can feel it everywhere

It's in me and it's in you

I believe in magic!

I believe in magic

I believe it's true

You can feel it everywhere

It's in me and it's in you

I believe in magic

I believe it's true

You can feel it everywhere

It's in me and it's in you

I believe in magic

I believe it's true

You can feel it everywhere

It's in me and it's in you

I believe in magic

I believe it's true

You can feel it everywhere

It's in me and it's in you

I believe in magic!

I believe in magic!

I believe in magic!

A patient is brought into the ER, while a magician and his assistant are screaming at each other next to the ambulance. The assistant yells that she said the safeword, but the magician yells back that he didn't hear her. Meanwhile, Meredith's voice over is talking about the existence of magic. Meredith, Heather, and Shane start working on the patient. They're then told that the trick that went wrong, was the "saw the lady in half." Meredith then reveals the deep cut in the woman's abdomen; she's really almost cut in half. Meredith yells to page Bailey.

While Callie comes running to Meredith and her interns, who are taking the patient to the OR, to assist them, the magician once again tells them that he didn't hear "Titanic," which is their safeword. The assistant keeps talking about the trick, but the magician urges her to stop talking as she'll reveal how the trick works. Derek comes over too, saying Heather was with him on a Moyamoya case. Despite Heather's objections, Meredith tells him he can take her. Richard comes running towards them, saying he was paged. He informs them he's still taking care of Bailey's patients. Callie questions this, as Bailey is infection free. Before the elevator closes, Callie tells them to page her when the patient's stable enough for X-rays. In the elevator, Meredith questions how the patient could still be alive.

Richard explains to the magician and the assistant that they need to let their patient rest before they go back into surgery. The assistant blames the magician for cutting into his wife with a chainsaw.

Heather, Stephanie, Jo, and Shane are watching the video of the magician cutting into his wife on YouTube. They try to figure out how the trick works. Alex walks by, and he is bummed because he saw Jo again. He runs into Meredith and Cristina. They tease him about his "little broken heart," and he walks away. Meredith tells Cristina that Bailey is mad and locked herself in her lab. Cristina then leaves to go talk to her. Meredith gets a page.

Her patient is bleeding out of her abdomen. They bring her back to the OR. The magician holds back the assistant, who then yells that she and his wife were in love, which he would've noticed if he payed attention to her.

The magician and the assistant are watching Kayla, the "chainsaw lady." They keep bickering until Meredith tells them to stop and just be there for Kayla. Danny, the magician, confesses that he knew how unhappy Kayla was in their marriage. He thought becoming more famous and earning more money would repair their marriage. He tells Cherise, the assistant, that she's the only one who understands Kayla.

Derek's patient is squeezing in a ball. He explains that Iris's brain will have to suck up the blood she's been missing. Heather adds that that will happen in a few weeks. Iris's brother then starts running around in the room to get attention. Derek calms him down by saying that he needs to be nice to his sister, as they opened up her head to put magic in her head, giving her special powers. Derek walks away, and then Heather says that they put a vampire in her head. "I'd watch out, kid," she says before leaving too.

Ethan is asleep. Outside the room, Nancy tells Owen that the social worker wasn't taking Ethan in custody as it were extraordinary circumstances, but she believes that it would be better if Ethan were taken. She says she can't do it, as she has cataracts and can't even drive anymore. There's no one else in the family who can take care of him. Owen wants to help her find a solution. Nancy thinks she lost her son. She says Ethan needs someone to take care of him, and that she can't do it.

Richard is outside Bailey's genome lab, watching her. Suddenly, Ben runs up to him. They shake hands, and Ben tells him he came as fast as he could. Meredith sees them and smiles, while Richard tells Ben that Miranda needs him. As Ben knocks, Bailey thinks it's another colleague and she rolls her eyes. When she hears his voice, she quickly opens the door. She wants to know who called him, but he says it's not important and hugs her. He tells her he's there for her, and that she doesn't need to keep doing things on her own. Bailey confesses that she blames herself for killing the three patients. Bailey says she doesn't believe that it won't happen again and that she's been testing herself for the infection all over again. She says that she still feels dirty all the time. She stars crying. "They died, because of me," she says as she cries in his arms.

Kayla, 32, was brought into the hospital with tachycardia. She was hypoxic even after she was intubated. She had been sawed in half during a magic trick that went wrong. One of her kidneys and part of her large intestine were removed. Before they were able to repair all of the damage, they had to pack her and close. She developed abdominal compartment syndrome and so was taken back to the OR. After surgery, she was being monitored carefully to see if her condition would improve.

The spies go after an art thief only to find that all of their leads point to a supposedly deceased magician. In a B-story, the spies accuse Mandy of sabotaging their photography projects for Beverly Hills High.

In his early years before founding the Mormon church, Joseph Smith admitted that he sought after gold through magical means. Some might argue that his search for "magic" never ended, that the "golden plates" which he translated by use of seer stones in a hat were an extension of the same search. I personally honor Joseph Smith as a prophet, despite some serious flaws, but I have wondered sometimes how often Mormons talk about the power of God as if it were magic. What's the difference, you might ask? Isn't religion itself just a more socially sanctioned way of talking about superstition?

In many ways, I consider Mormonism to be the most "scientific" of religions. Before you scoff at this, let me explain. When I was in grad school, I studied Hume's "Of Miracles" in "An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding" where he argues that a miracle is "a violation of the law of nature." I argued with my professor that not all religions believed that miracles defied the laws of the universe. In fact, I told him that Mormons believe that God always follows the laws of the universe, only sometimes not always the laws as we understand them incompletely in our mortal state. My professor thought my religion was very strange indeed. I claimed that Mormonism did not require us to suspend our belief in any of our practical knowledge. I sometimes tell my friends who write science fiction that Mormonism is a science fiction writer's dream religion--and this isn't just because Battlestar Galactica's original writer Glen Larson was a Mormon.

Mormons believe that God created worlds without number and that there are other worlds that are inhabited by His children. Mormons believe that everyone will be resurrected into some form of heaven (with the exception of a handful of those who have chosen to live away from God), and that all of us will continue to grow and learn into the eternities. Yes, we even believe that God is an exalted man with a body of flesh and bones, and that we humans through eternities of growth can become like God. We believe that God Himself is bound by the rules of the universe which He created, and that part of our growth and learning in the eternities will be to extend our own knowledge of these laws. So if we have such a scientific religion, what do I mean when I say that I feel sometimes like Mormons believe in magic?

In Mormon culture, there are stories passed around that are the equivalent of urban legends with Mormon magic. Some are stories about people who were involved in fires or traffic accidents whose bodies were only burned where they weren't wearing Mormon temple garments. I've heard stories about Mormons who were saved from 9/11 or from earthquakes or floods because they were "warned" in a Joseph-of-Egypt type of dream or heard a voice that told them to take a different plane or road, which ended up saving their lives. And I hear Mormons pray sometimes for what sound to me like requests for God to intervene in magical ways in the lives of His children: to protect people from car accidents, to bless food to nourish us when it's clearly indulgent dessert fare, to change global weather patterns to bring rain or stop snow for a particular event, or to bring world peace as if it were as simple as God snapping His fingers. be457b7860

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