Hi! I will be linking all of my films once they are properly uploaded to Youtube!

This page is a work in progress...

Stay tuned but take a look at whats here!


The Premiere

Credit: Lighting / Cast

With Joseph Pidgeon and Mike Ricciardi

*** This link will only be accessible for a limited time ***

Drowning Music Video

Credit: Coproducer

With Ben Seltzer and Alex Nicoletti

City Of Sisterly Love

Credit: Director

With Eric Posey, Gary Brandon Panter, Austin Simmons and James Molloy and Rowan University

Credit: Assistant Director

with Frank Villarreal, Alex Cann and Cinema Workshop


Credit: Producer/ Production designer

with Cinema Workshop

Credit: Production Design

with Cinema Workshop

Diabolical Crimes

Credit: Producer/ Assistant director / Gaffer

with Joeseph Pidgeon and 220 Collective

My Background With Film:

I graduated from Rowan University in 2020 with a degree in Radio, Television and Film. During my time there I was able to concentrate my work towards Film and Television. On the Television side of things, I was able to produce my own talk show and I worked on the annual Live telethons. I was also a Lab Assistant in the TV studio which required me to help students with their lab assignments regarding cameras, audio and other studio equipment.

With the film side of things, I got very involved with the film club - Cinema Workshop. There, I was able to work on over 20 short films in roles from 1st AC to Gaffer to assistant director to producer. Being president of the club in 2019-2020, I was the producer for all the films that year and was able to get the club a few wins in the annual media fest awards such as "John Flick". Outside of the club I was able to produce another award winning short "Alert" and was the director of an award winning Documentary titled "City of Sisterly Love" shot mainly in the city of Philadelphia. I am in the process of uploading all these films to this site, so stay tuned!