Hi I have a PC with a proxy internet connection. When I use for example flutter it needs to download some dependencies by sock connection. How can I set a global configuration for my PC to use socks connection to internet? Thanks

The only way I was able to set a socks proxy in windows 10 was via Internet Explorer.

Search for and run the Internet Explorer App.

From the Tools menu click on Internet Options.Click on the Connections tab.Click the "LAN settings" button.Add a check to the "Use a proxy server for your LAN" if its not already checked.Click on the Advanced settingUncheck the box for "Use the same proxy server for all protocols" if it's checked.Set your SOCKS server here and clear the fields for all the other proxy types.Click OK, click OK, click OK, and now your system is configured to use a SOCKS proxy.

Sockshttp Config File Download

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For the git:// protocol we have Using Git with a SOCKS proxy. However, it appears that git does not properly support socks proxies. git itself is linked to libcurl. So the .curlrc file is not used (that is just for the curl command line client). However, the following patch provides the necessary support. With this patch applied to git we can simply set the ALL_PROXY environment variable or HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY to socks://hostname:portnum (or socks4/socks5) or indeed the http.proxy git config setting and libcurl will now actually use the socks protocol when using the proxy.

Your client is using mtprotosender, which will not work on PythonAnywhere in a free account. Check the documentation of the client you're using to see whether you can get it to use http instead and, if you can, then also make sure that you have configured it to use http through the PythonAnywhere proxy.

The URL being accessed. The path and query components of https:// URLs are stripped. In Chrome (versions 52 to 73), you can disable this by setting PacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled to false in policy or by launching with the --unsafe-pac-url command-line flag (in Chrome 74, only the flag works, and from 75 onward, there is no way to disable path-stripping; as of Chrome 81, path-stripping does not apply to HTTP URLs, but there is interest in changing this behavior to match HTTPS); in Firefox, the preference is network.proxy.autoconfig_url.include_path.

All local accesses are desired to be direct. All proxy servers run on the port 8080 (they don't need to, you can just change your port but remember to modify your configurations on both side). Note how strings can be concatenated with the + operator in JavaScript.

Note: The autoconfig file can be output by a CGI script. This is useful, for example, when making the autoconfig file act differently based on the client IP address (the REMOTE_ADDR environment variable in CGI).

Usage of isInNet(), isResolvable() and dnsResolve() functions should be carefully considered, as they require the DNS server to be consulted. All the other autoconfig-related functions are mere string-matching functions that don't require the use of a DNS server. If a proxy is used, the proxy will perform its DNS lookup which would double the impact on the DNS server. Most of the time these functions are not necessary to achieve the desired result.

By default, the main configuration file is named config, with the exception of Windows, where it is named config.txt. Configuration lines consist of an initial keyword followed by a list of values, all separated by whitespace (any number of spaces or tabs). For example:

The main config file controls all aspects of Privoxy's operation that are not location dependent (i.e. they apply universally, no matter where you may be surfing). Like the filter and action files, the config file is a plain text file and can be modified with a text editor like emacs, vim or notepad.exe.

Access to the editor can not be controlled separately by "ACLs" or HTTP authentication, so that everybody who can access Privoxy (see "ACLs" and listen-address above) can modify its configuration for all users.

Note that malicious client side code (e.g Java) is also capable of using the actions editor and you shouldn't enable this options unless you understand the consequences and are sure your browser is configured correctly.

Privoxy is mainly used to block and filter requests as a service to the user, for example to block ads and other junk that clogs the pipes. Privoxy's configuration isn't perfect and sometimes innocent pages are blocked. In this situation it makes sense to allow the user to enforce the request and have Privoxy ignore the block.

In the default configuration Privoxy's "Blocked" page contains a "go there anyway" link to adds a special string (the force prefix) to the request URL. If that link is used, Privoxy will detect the force prefix, remove it again and let the request pass.

By default only the webinterface domains config.privoxy.org and p.p are considered trustworthy. Requests originating from other domains are rejected to prevent third-parties from modifiying Privoxy's state by e.g. embedding images that result in CGI requests.

Note that parent proxies can severely decrease your privacy level. For example a parent proxy could add your IP address to the request headers and if it's a caching proxy it may add the "Etag" header to revalidation requests again, even though you configured Privoxy to remove it. It may also ignore Privoxy's header time randomization and use the original values which could be used by the server as cookie replacement to track your steps between visits.

If you have links to multiple ISPs that provide various special content only to their subscribers, you can configure multiple Privoxies which have connections to the respective ISPs to act as forwarders to each other, so that your users can see the internal content of all ISPs.

If you are running Privoxy as intercepting proxy without being able to intercept all client requests you may want to adjust the CGI templates to make sure they don't reference content from config.privoxy.org.

Note that a timeout of five seconds as used in the default configuration file significantly decreases the number of connections that will be reused. The value is used because some browsers limit the number of connections they open to a single host and apply the same limit to proxies. This can result in a single website "grabbing" all the connections the browser allows, which means connections to other websites can't be opened until the connections currently in use time out.

One most POSIX-compliant systems Privoxy can't properly deal with more than FD_SETSIZE file descriptors if Privoxy has been configured to use select() and has to reject connections if the limit is reached. When using select() this limit therefore can't be increased without recompiling Privoxy with a different FD_SETSIZE limit unless Privoxy is running on Windows with _WIN32 defined.

Multiple specifications provide a fallback when a proxy fails to respond. The browser fetches this PAC file before requesting other URLs. The URL of the PAC file is either configured manually or determined automatically by the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol.

Even though most clients will process the script regardless of the MIME type returned in the HTTP reply, for the sake of completeness and to maximize compatibility, the HTTP server should be configured to declare the MIME type of this file to be either application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig or application/x-javascript-config.

There is little evidence to favor the use of one MIME type over the other. It would be, however, reasonable to assume that application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig will be supported in more clients than application/x-javascript-config as it was defined in the original Netscape specification, the latter type coming into use more recently.

In 2013, researchers began warning about the security risks of proxy auto-config.[6] The threat involves using a PAC, discovered automatically by the system, to redirect the victim's browser traffic to an attacker-controlled server instead.

Caching of proxy auto-configuration results by domain name in Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer limits the flexibility of the PAC standard. In effect, you can choose the proxy based on the domain name, but not on the path of the URL. Alternatively, you need to disable caching of proxy auto-configuration results by editing the registry, a process described by de Boyne Pollard (listed in further reading).

It is recommended to always use IP addresses instead of host domain names in the isInNet function for compatibility with other Windows components which make use of the Internet Explorer PAC configuration, such as .NET 2.0 Framework. For example, e24fc04721

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