Harvest Feast
The time has come to celebrate the end of the harvest season and to gather together to have a joyful feast, enjoying the fruits of hard labor!
At the harvest feast we will bring the 18th century harvest celebrations of peasants and common people back to life at Pakin Talo in Helsinki.
Pakin talo is a wooden house from the 18th century (more about it can be found at the bottom of the page). Games, dancing, live music, contemporary dishes and a cheerful atmosphere in an authentic setting are to be expected. Depending on the weather, we can also take advantage of the idyllic outdoor surroundings of the house.
In keeping with the spirit of the event, participants are expected to take a little part in volunteer work and dress in 18th century peasant or common people's (or soldiers') costumes.
Location: Pakin talo, Etupellontie 2, 00680 Helsinki. (See more information about the location at the bottom of the page.)
Dresscode: 18th century peasants' or commoners' (or soldiers') dress. (See more about dress code below.)
Utensils: Participants must bring their own plates, cutlery and drinking vessels suitable for the theme (e.g. wooden ones would be a great choice).
Tasks/chores: Participants are expected to do small tasks/chores in accordance with the spirit of the event. Use the form to register for your chosen job in advance. (Will be published later!)
Decorations: For safety reasons, we cannot burn päre (shingles) or candles, so if you have convincing-looking battery-operated candles, please bring them with you (labeled) to help create the historical atmosphere! You can also bring sheep's hides or woollen blankets or the like to cushion and decorate the benches.
Beverages: You can bring your own alcoholic beverages to the event, if you like.
Food: At the event, the meals are prepared and enjoyed together. You can participate in the cooking and serving as a helper in advance or on site. Either cooking or serving are options of the tasks mentioned above.
Small market fair: You can bring living history items, clothes and other goods suitable for the eras the we at Societé Helsinki recreate (18th to early 20th century) and they can be sold or donated to other participants during the day program at our market fair. At the end of the event, the sellers must take away all the remaining items with them.
Dance: The event features folk dances suitable for the Swedish/Finnish peasantry of the 18th century.
Music: Our musician is responsible for the music at the event. Volunteer artists who would like to perform can also bring their own instruments to the event.
Workshops: At the event, it is possible to carry out workshop activities that fit the theme on Friday and Sunday. The event also needs game hosts suitable for the theme. If you are interested in the workshops and playing, let us know on the registration form.
Handicrafts and sewing: On Sunday, at the event, there is an opportunity to spend time together leisurely working on your handicrafts, workshops or market. Bring your own project!
Overnight stay: You can stay at the event all weekend! You can set up historical tents in the courtyard area and spend the night in them. In the main building, you can stay on floor accommodation (your own bedding), but in this case the beds must be taken out of the way of the event to cars or outbuildings in the morning. You can bring a mobile home or a trailer to the parking lot, but electricity to them cannot be quaranteed. You should also check AirBnB accommodations nearby.
Open doors: On Sunday, the event is open to anyone interested in reenactment and living history. Friends, relatives and enthusiasts of other eras are welcome to visit!
Dresscode: 18th century peasant, soldier or common people's dress (with emphasis on dress from whichever part of the Swedish kingdom but 'travellers' or inhabitants originating from other areas/countries are welcome as well). We do not wish to exclude anyone from attending!
Check out our Pinterest for examples of Swedish and Finnish folk dress.
Location: Pakin talo, Helsinki
Pakin talo is an 18th century homestead house in East-Pakila district in Helsinki. It is one of the oldest buildings surviving in its original location in Helsinki. Pakin talo is an 18th-century log farmhouse that has been restored mainly to its 19th century appearance. The sheltered courtyard is bordered by five barns and a smoke sauna.