Civic Literacy

(This page only attempts to describe what is, without a lot of political or historical context, and without any argument as to what should be.)

A fundamental problem in America today is the widespread lack of knowledge about the mechanics of government at the federal, state, and local levels. People, for instance, often blame officials at the federal level for issues like utility rates that are set at a state or local level. Inequality in all its forms underlies many of the problems we face, but we can't address it until everyone knows the basic structure and function of the political system, broadly defined; the mechanisms available within and without the formal system to effect change; and what must change to reduce inequality. Otherwise, people are just grasping in the dark trying to understand what is going on, and at risk of being manipulated. They have to know where they are to get to where they want to be!

Political Polarization in America - Where there is common ground on political issues, compromise can reduce polarization, but where fundamental values are at issue, compromise often is not possible. That's where we have to focus on persuading the "persuadables," and not just bemoan polarization. Polarization, in and of itself, is just a description of the status quo, but can be an impetus for change and advocacy. Polarization is also fed by a lack of knowledge of how government works. 

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