AKBC Workshop on

Social Aspects of Automated Knowledge Base Creation

0900-1230 Saturday, 5th November 2022

The Barbican, London, UK


The objective of this workshop is to provide an open forum for discussing social challenges for the AKBC community, and to explore the question: Which aspects of the social context influence automated knowledge base construction, and how?

Knowledge by its very nature adds social components and context to underlying data. Even automated methods operate in a social context--social processes influence all aspects of AKBC systems from design to end use. All data are socially shaped and there is far more entanglement between automated methods and social issues than a first glance understanding of automation might suggest.

This workshop will provide a forum for AKBC attendees to explore these issues along with individuals with expertise and experience in related areas--in order to explore the landscape, understand key concepts and known results in this area, and engender a discussion towards the cutting-edge of research formulations.

Given that this is a new area of multidisciplinary, convergence research, the workshop is open to receiving position papers, narratives, and examples of failures as well as successes.

Workshop Location: Frobisher Rooms 1-3 (4th Floor)


Saturday, November 5th, 2022, London, UK0900 - 1030 Framing the issues: Presentations followed by discussionDavid Ribes, Univ of WashingtonGeof Bowker, Univ of California, Irvine (Emeritus)Elena Simperl, King's College LondonChaitan Baru, Univ of California, San Diego

1030 - 1100 BREAK

1100 - 1200 Brief presentations followed by discussion

  • 1100 - 1110 The Choice of Knowledge Base in Automated Claim Checking. Presenter: Dominik Stammbach, ETH, Zurich.

  • 1110 - 1120 Social Aspects of Creating Open Knowledge Networks and Knowledge Graphs: A Spotlight on Finance, Supply Chains, Climate and Sustainability. Presenter: Emanuel Sallinger, TU Wien and Oxford University. Co-authors: Cavan Capps, US Census Bureau and Ellie Young, Common Action, USA.

  • 1120 - 1130 Building A Community of Interest: Engaging Stakeholders to Develop a Community Knowledge Graph at NASA’s Center for HelioAnalytics. Presenter: Edlira Vakaj, Birmingham City University, UK. Co-authors: Ryan McGranaghan, Orion Space Solutions and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ellie Young, Common Action, USA, Swapnali Yadav, Megan Powers, Birmingham City University.

  • 1130 - 1137 Invisible Women in AKBC with special reference to STEM, Under-representation, and Gender Bias - A Digital Humanities Study. Presenter: Richa Mishra, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India.

  • 1137 - 1200 Q&A and open discussion

1200 - 1230 Discussion of Next Steps

Led by: David Ribes, Chaitan Baru


The workshop will be held in the Frobisher Rooms 1-3 (4th Floor), the Barbican Center, London from 0900-1230 on Saturday, 5 November, 2022.

The workshop is collocated with the Automated Knowledge Base Construction Conference, AKBC 2022, 3-5 November, 2022.


Call for Papers

We invite submissions that are flexibly aligned with above topics, and encourage both novice and expert contributions to these topics. Considering that social aspects of knowledge representation and automation is a relatively new topic for AKBC, we welcome reflective and informal papers that capture the experiences of practitioners working to develop knowledge bases. Papers that provide a multidisciplinary perspective involving social science, computer science, and other relevant disciplines are strongly encouraged. Example topics include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • How have issues of fairness, accountability, inclusion and exclusion, or social bias, played out in your practical experience? Narrative accounts are welcome.

  • What are the emerging and/or pressing topics that the AKBC community needs to engage with to prepare for the future? Forward looking position papers are welcome.

  • Are there interesting success cases, but also revelatory and instructive failures? This is a workshop to collectively discuss all aspects of social challenges for the AKBC community.


  • Papers: 2-4 pages (+ references optional)

  • Extended abstracts: 1 page (+ references optional)

Please submit via this EasyChair submissions site.

Since the workshop is not intended to have a proceeding, accepted papers will be presented as oral during the workshop and listed on this website.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: September 1, 2022

  • Notification of acceptance: September 26, 2022

  • Confirmation of attendance: October 1, 2022

  • Workshop Date: November 5, 2022
