All-Time Table Swiss Soccer League (Ewige Tabelle des Schweizer Fussballs)

Since 1897

Scroll down to see more information. Scroll to the right to see all-time stats. SA = Serie A (1897-1933), NLA = Nationalliga A (1933-2003), SL = Super League (2003-)


Ewige Rangliste der Schweizer Fussballmeisterschaft_web.xlsx

Please note that results before 1921 are potentially unreliable.

The table is mainly based on data by RSSSF (errors were corrected using multiple other sources like Clas Glenning, Das Fussball Studio (Christoph's database), Swiss Football League and others).

Last update: End of season 2023/2024 (incl. some corrections of historical data)

Why another all-time table? When I updated the Wikipedia all-time table, I noticed a lot of mistakes and then cross-checked with the official Swiss Football League table only to discover that there were also mistakes (in the meantime, they were corrected for the NL-era). The bible of all-time tables, Clas Glenning, also had errors in his table even though having completely reworked the table in 2018 (probably because I sent too many requests for correction...). Additionally, I don't agree with the way the number of seasons are counted, among other things. When I tried to compile my own table with data by RSSSF, I noticed that these data are also unreliable for the pre-NL-era. Thanks to Christoph's database in Das Fussball Studio, there is a fantastic source to cross-check historic results.In addition to the other all-time tables, in my own table I try to be as transparent about what is counted and in what way as possible.
Please tell me about any mistake you might find.