So I saw an "article" about this game running on Windows 10. I knew this problem already because I wanted to play this game on my PC as well. I searched the internet and found an installer for windows 10. It installed and let me start the game like normal. I could go thru the options and everything went fine but the problem come when I try to start a game (after the character selection part) the game crashes and gives me an error "D3D8 Application: A D3D object has a non-zero reference count (meaning things were not properly cleaned up)". I mean it runs at least til the menu but my guess is, that this is a graphical error. If some knows how to fix this problem then I and my other can enjoy this game again. Because on a VM it can't detect GPUs and a full PC is just unnecessary (I could try dual boot)

Hey i got the game running on windows 10 i just used the same installer you linked and then opened the game folder then Mania and then there is a folder called CD. I replaced this folder with the one thats on the Actual CD. Now its seems to work but i didn't try every level yet

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A transfer window is the period during the year in which a football club can add players to their squad who were previously under contract with another club. Such a transfer is completed by registering the player into the new club through FIFA. "Transfer window" is the unofficial term commonly used by the media for the concept of "registration period" as described in the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players.[1] According to the rules, each national football association decides on the time (such as the dates) of the 'window' but it may not exceed 12 weeks. The second registration period occurs during the season and may not exceed four weeks.

The transfer window of a given football association governs only international transfers into that football association. International transfers out of an association are always possible to those associations that have an open window. The transfer window of the association that the player is leaving does not have to be open.

FIFA regulates in general that there shall be two windows, a longer one (max. twelve weeks) in the break between seasons and a shorter one (max. one month) in the middle of a season. The specific periods depend on the league's season cycle and are determined by the national football authorities.[5]

Most major European leagues commence in the second half of the year (e.g. August or September) and stretch over two calendar years to the first half of the next year (e.g. May), resulting in a close season window in the summer ending in August, and a mid-season window in January.

The periods are different when a league runs throughout a single calendar year, as in most Nordic countries due to weather constraints, Major League Soccer due to both weather and competition from other locally popular sports (notably basketball and American football), or as the traditional season in the Southern Hemisphere. The first window generally opens from 1 March until midnight of 30 April, followed by the in-season window from 1 to 31 August.

Although, in England, transfers between clubs in the same league can take place as soon as the last competitive fixtures for the season have been played, many transfers will not be completed until 1 July because many players' contracts expire on 30 June. International transfers into the English leagues (including the Premier League) cannot be made until the window has opened on 17 May. Outside the transfer window, a club may still sign players on an emergency basis, usually if they have no goalkeeper available. Special dispensation from their competition's governing body, for example the Premier League, is required. The transfer window restriction does not apply to clubs in or below the National League division.[34][35]

If the last day of a transfer window is on a weekend, the deadline can be extended to the following Monday at the request of those involved for business reasons.[36] The first shift of the deadline since its inception took place in summer 2008, when the deadline was extended by 24 hours to fall on Monday 1 September at midnight.[37][38] The transfer deadline in England was similarly extended to 5 pm 1 September 2009, due to the August Bank Holiday. The German football league announced an extension of the January 2009 deadline to 2 February.[39]

Free agents can be signed by a club at any time during the season, if they had been released by their previous club before the end of the transfer window.[36] A club can request to sign a player on emergency basis, e.g. if several goalkeepers are injured at the same time.[36] Outside the transfer window in England, once seven days have passed following the end of a transfer window, clubs from the English Football League (Regulation 53.3.4)[40] and (provided the player is not registered with a club from any league below the National League division) National League division[41] (Rule 6.6.4) can loan in players i) in the first half of the season, until 5.00pm on the fourth Thursday in November and ii) in the second half of the season, until 5.00pm on the fourth Thursday in March. An existing loan deal can be made permanent at any time outside the transfer window.[42]

The day upon which a window closes is known as transfer deadline day, and is usually one of the busiest days of the window, generating a flurry of transfers, often because a number of interdependent transfers are completed resembling a housing chain, generating much media interest.

Steve Coppell, former manager of Reading in England's Premier League, and others have called for the transfer window to be scrapped in favour of the previous system, under which transfers could take place throughout the season other than in the closing weeks.[43] Coppell said that the transfer window breeds panic and encourages "scurrilous" transfer activity adding that "I cannot see the logic in a transfer window. It brings on a fire-sale mentality, causes unrest via the media and means clubs buy too many players" adding that "The old system, where if you had a problem you could look at loans or make a short-term purchase, was far better than this system we have at the moment".[44] Former England Manager Sven-Gran Eriksson has also questioned the value of the transfer window, commenting: "You do wonder at times if it is right to have a window, it was easier when it was open all the time and perhaps fairer for the players. I am sure much of the business being done on the last day is a little bit desperate and that is not right. I think it was better before, but then I am old".[45]

In January 2013 Arsenal manager Arsne Wenger asked for the January transfer window to be limited to two transfers per window and claimed it is "unfair" in its current form. He cited Newcastle United transfer activity as an example.[46] The following year, Wenger hit out at Manchester United's 37m purchase of Juan Mata from rivals Chelsea. Wenger argued that the transfer was unfair because United and Chelsea had already played each other twice during the season, but United would still have to play Arsenal, and said that "the rules should be adapted more for fairness".[47] Manchester City manager Manuel Pellegrini backed the sentiment of Wenger, disagreeing that a player "can go from one team to another team in the same league at this part of the year" and also said that the winter transfer window was unbalanced in favour of big clubs, saying "a club with money can take the best players from the other teams".[48][49]

Former Crystal Palace manager Alan Pardew questioned why the Premier League transfer window remains open after the start of the season after Arsenal made a bid for midfielder Yohan Cabaye during his time as Newcastle United manager in August 2013.[50]

In January 2015, FIFPro said that the current transfer window system is "failing football and its players", one of the main issues being that players are released from clubs without explanation or compensation.[51]

During these registration windows, MLS clubs may request the International Transfer Certificate (ITC) of a player under contract in another country. While deals may be agreed upon outside the below windows, the transfer and receipt of an ITC are required to officially add a player to a roster, thus making him eligible for official competitions.

Hundreds of millions of users have created truly amazing solutions in Excel. Ranging from very traditional use cases to quite unexpected scenarios, Excel has been among the most favorite productivity tools for those users. Today we share a model we have built ourselves to help predict the future of a sports tournament. Read on to learn more.

The model is based off a couple of different calculations, basically taking two inputs. The first is on the Round Robin Predictions tab and is the performance indicator. In Column E, you can input how you think a team will perform (better or worse) from how we expect them to perform over the tournament. I.e. if you think Switzerland will perform better than we have them ranked, increase their percentage, and if you think England will underperform (as they usually do) then input a negative percentage in the appropriate row.

Finally, you should remember, this model is built off a function called =RAND(). This function spits out a new random number whenever any cell is changed, which means the model is never going to be exactly the same as your friends. That is okay. We run many iterations of the model and it is stable.

We started with two datasets, the first being a list of every international soccer game played over the last 146 years, shortened to include just the last 40 years. This is a publicly available data set for anyone to use ( -football-results-from-1872-to-2017). The second data set is obtained from and is the top 100 international football teams rated by Elo.[1]

Soccer is known to follow a Poisson Distribution[2]. This essentially means that every goal scored is independent of all the other goals scored throughout a match. This is a large assumption because it ignores things like momentum, necessity, etc. but when predicting anything you will have to make assumptions. 152ee80cbc

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