Congrats on your first photo shoot and persevering through all the diet and training it takes to get there! I'm going to give you some guidelines to follow, but know that the manipulations you make this last week are basically "fine tuning." If you aren't lean enough to start out, these things won't help. If you're really lean and ready to rock the camera, these tips will help take you to the next level.

I don't recommend that you mess around with your sodium intake too much. Keep it consistent rather than going too low. Instead of cutting salt from your diet entirely, eat unprocessed foods and only use a pinch of salt to season your food to taste.

Bodybuilding Photo Download


There are some specific things you can do with your carbs prior to your photoshoot. Studies show us that increasing our carbohydrate intake for 2-to-4 days is enough to super-saturate your muscle glycogen stores, leaving your muscles large and full. I like to back this off one day from your peak day (e.g. contest, meet, shoot, etc.) so if something goes wrong, you still have some time to run damage control. I do this because peaking is a combination of art and science. Since this is your first shoot, you are going to learn a lot about your body.

Carbohydrate intake is relative, so you're going to take whatever you use as your base carbohydrate intake and cut it in half for 2 days. After those 2 days, double the original amount for 2 days.

When you wake up Friday, you'll have some decisions to make. If you are looking flat, stick with the 2x carbohydrate plan. If your muscles are full, but your definition is blurry, move back down to your normal carbohydrate intake.

Throughout the week, you'll want to keep your protein intake steady and adjust your fat intake based on your carbohydrate intake. On the lower carb days, you'll need more fat to balance the calorie deficit left by cutting your carbohydrate intake.

Avoid high-fiber, bulky carbs like broccoli, cabbage, etc. since they sit in your digestive system for longer periods of time. You're looking to maintain your condition, so keep an eye on your body as you eat and the day goes on. Most importantly, enjoy the day! You worked hard to get there and if you don't take time to celebrate your victories - what's the point? Best of luck!

First off, before getting into anything, I would like to thanks all the readers of for your great e-mails and questions! Many of those questions and e-mails want to know what I do, what I eat, how I train to get where I am today. So I thought it would be a great idea to give you readers it all! Right down to the very last detail on exactly how I train, eat, do cardio, supplementation, and final polishing tactics to get ready for a photo shoot or even bodybuilding competition.

I will not hold anything back. I will tell you the exact brands and techniques that got me to where I am right now. What you will see below is basically how I eat and try to eat all the time. I will take about 14-16 weeks to really tighten the reigns when I have a photo shoot or contest to get ready for. When I do not have a goal or date to be ready for, I eat the same, but I may splurge a bit more and be just a tad looser on the diet, but not much.

DISCLAMER:You may notice that what I do is different than what I may recommend to a client or even in an e-mail. This is because over the years I learned what worked best for ME, and what I am willing to sacrifice and endure. This is not and may not be for everyone, but it is the honest truth of how I live my lifestyle to meet the standards I set for myself. SO with that said, let's get started in PART 1.

I perform 6-9 sets for larger body parts like quads, hams, back, shoulders, and chest. All the other body parts get 4 main working sets. Of course the above sets do not include warming up. Each set, no matter what the body part is done in the 5-7 rep range. I stick to only main compound movements. I really never waste any time on "isolation" movements, unless using them for warming up. If I do go higher in reps, it will usually be on squats and other leg exercises.

I constantly try to increase the poundage, reps or both from the previous week. Progressive overload has worked well for me. While dieting down I think this style of training is good in retaining the muscle you have built before the diet. Constantly striving to lift more in good form and keeping the poundage high and reps low with force your body to hold onto the muscle that you have already put there. While dieting, your body will use fat, carbs and protein for a source of fuel when you are calorie deficient. Through resistance training it will force your body to have to spare muscle, and use more of its' energy sources from fat and carbohydrates. I will change my exercises every 3-4 weeks, to keep things fresh.

Training partners are very helpful. They keep up the pace, monitor your form, and give you the mental security when doing a set. My fiance, Whitney, is my training partner. She in fact is the best training partner I ever have had. She may only weigh 113 pounds, but she does the same routine, same style of training I do.

I say this for any women out there who think that they are going to get huge if they spend some hard time on the weights. Here is a perfect example of two people doing the exact same routines, reps, and nutrition, (in different amounts of course), but are yielding 2 different looks. She looks wonderful, very toned, very strong, and very feminine.

Each component I am going to go over in this article plays a vital role in achieving the goals I want to achieve. Cardio is one of those areas that I feel has to really be held up and done on a regular basis to get that certain look everyone wants. When people usually ask me what I do for my abs, I point over to a treadmill and tell them to get on and start attacking the fat that covers that muscle.

I know there is a huge controversy on cardio right now. HIT cardio, low intensity cardio, interval, no cardio, empty stomach, after training, before bed, when not to, etc. Honestly, it can drive many people crazy. SO I am just going to tell you what I do, some people may disagree, some may agree. Again, just telling you what works for me. I have tried HIT/MAX-OT cardio, and I tried the longer duration more moderate intensity cardio. For how I eat and train, I choose to go with the longer duration and moderate intensity.

I perform cardio 7 days per week. I am in chiropractic college, so all my classes begin at 7am. So I wake up at 4:30am, take my Thermogenics, and go to the gym. I will do 45 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical machine. I keep my heart rate around 150-160 bpm for the duration of each cardio session.

I prefer to do mine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. For me it is a great way to start off my day. I get in my prayers and early morning reflection of the day to come. As I get close to a deadline, photo shoot, or contest, I will add 20-25 minutes of cardio either after training or at night, a few days per week. If I feel I am on schedule or ahead, I will not add this extra cardio. Some times to change it up, usually on Sat mornings, I will go to a high school track and run sprints for 30-40 minutes with my fiance.

I stress that you experiment to find which style of cardiovascular exercise works best for you. The outlined above is what has done the trick most efficiently for me, despite what theories are out there. Find which one works best for you. I always advise some type of cardiovascular training. It keeps the most important muscle we have conditioned, the heart. It serves to boost metabolism, and allows one to take in more food to help recover and keep you calories a bit higher than without doing cardio.

Click here for PART 2 of "How I Get Ready For A Photo Shoot"! I will discuss the other crucial factors such as my diet plan, supplement schedule, and final preparation methods such as cutting water for the final look.

The National Physique Committee is the premier amateur physique organization in the world. Since 1982, the top athletes in bodybuilding, fitness, figure, bikini and physique have started their careers in the NPC. Many of those athletes graduated to successful careers in the IFBB Professional League, a list that includes 24 Olympia and 38 Arnold Classic winners.

Thanks, Dave. I never thought of that possibility.

I think I enjoy your non-Disneyland photography more because it removes the distraction of my love for all things Disneyland. It allows me to appreciate your photography on its own merits. That doesn't mean I don't love your Disneyland photography.

Saturday is the last pre-summer market before First Saturday Arts Market takes its annual summer break. A good time to introduce you to artist Diana Bourdier. When Bourdier joined the market many years ago she was a photographer. She took a break and returned a couple of years ago as a painter. Her figures are absolutely fascinating to me.

Elements often found in my art include lines, loose and messy ones and tight and patterned ones, pattern, and dots. I use acrylic paint and watercolor, charcoal, chalk, but mostly pens of many sorts. I'm a sucker for paper. I like my photography printed on cotton rag, and I enjoy working on paper, though I do also use board. Many people comment on how varied my art is. I thought of this as a weakness in my art, like I couldn't focus, but in December's First Saturday Arts Market a woman who visited my tent said, 'It means you are curious.' I like that. I do feel curious in my art."

From left, Shawn Barkhaus and Kyle Reinhart practice poses prior to the Bodybuilding, Bikini and Figure competition at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., Aug. 20, 2016. Both ran unopposed in their weight class but competed for overall bodybuilder. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman James Hensley)

The men competing in the physique tall category line up for the judges during the main event of the Bodybuilding, Bikini and Figure competition at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., Aug. 20, 2016. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman James Hensley) 152ee80cbc

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