SOCAR's headquarter is located at a 42-floor SOCAR Tower which was under construction since 2010 and completed in late 2016. It is the tallest skyscraper in the Caucasus with 209m of height. Apart from the head office, SOCAR's supporting offices are dispersed across the city.

The first representative office of SOCAR was established in London in 1994. Now the company has offices in London, Frankfurt am Main, Geneva, Vienna, Bucharest, Istanbul, Kyiv, Tbilisi, Astana and Tehran.[63][64][65]

Socar Istanbul Office


For all the project phases, we supplied experienced technical and managerial resources from our three offices located in Milan, Madrid and Istanbul, performing activities both at office and site to enable early mobilisation due to the gigantic scale of the preparation work required, involving 21 million cubic metres of earthworks.

The sharp rise in crude oil exports from Azerbaijan in recent years has led to a proliferation of new trading firms that are affiliated, in one way or another, to state giant Socar. Some of these entities, most notably Geneva-based Socar Trading, are at least 50% owned by the mother company, while others, such as Singapore-registered Coral Energy and Petro Singapore, are fully private. All these companies are named in Socar's 395-page prospectus published in February to coincide with the launch of a eurobond that raised $500 million and was co-managed by Deutsche Bank, RBS and Citibank (NC Mar.1'12). Nefte Compass provides a snapshot of some of the key new players: Socar Trading is Socar's official oil trading arm, established in 2008 in Geneva with a mandate to sell its parent's share of Azeri Light crude exports, which have mushroomed to more than 600,000 barrels per day and are largely shipped from the Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan. The company is on the way to becoming a global player to rival other Geneva-based trading houses such as Gunvor and Mercuria. Socar Trading is 100% owned by a Maltese company, Supra Holdings, which in turn is 50% owned by Socar, 40% by Dubai-registered Heritage General Trading and 10% by Renfrel Holdings, based in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). It is not known who the ultimate beneficiaries of the non-Socar shares are. The company is headed by ex-Lukoil veteran, Valery Golovushkin, has offices in Baku, Singapore, Vietnam, Dubai and Lagos and plans to set up shop in New York, Cairo and Istanbul. Socar Trading generated more than $30 billion in turnover last year, compared with just $19 billion in 2010. According to the prospectus, it has a long-term contract with Socar to market 24 million metric tons per year (480,000 b/d) of crude ex-Ceyhan. Socar Trading sells most of its entitlement via one-year term contracts with refiners in Europe such as Exxon Mobil and Austria's OMV and Asian buyers including Indonesia's Pertamina and Thai state oil company PTT. Socar Trading is an active trader in the Far East, via its Singapore office, and has carved out a presence in West Africa, where it has a crude oil term contract with state Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. and a contract with UK independent Afren. Socar Trading also has a downstream presence in Western Europe having taken over Exxon's retail assets in Switzerland last year. The company's flagship overseas project is a new oil products terminal in Fujairah, in the United Arab Emirates, which came into operation last month with the completion of the first of three planned stages. The project is overseen by Christian von Langermann, formerly with Select Energy Trading in Hamburg. The prospectus also states that Socar Overseas LLC, a Dubai-based company which oversees Socar Trading's activities in the UAE, has a separate contract to market 19 million tons/yr (380,000 b/d) of Socar barrels over an unspecified period. Socar International, which set up shop in Dubai last year, acts primarily as an oil marketing agent for Socar in Baku and also manages a portfolio of assets in Azerbaijan. In March, the company won a tender in alliance with Socar Enerji Turkey to buy a 10% stake Turkish petrochemicals firm Petkim, which is majority owned by Socar. Petro Singapore PTE, established in November 2010, is a regular buyer of crude oil from Socar. Last year, the company says it traded 45.5 million barrels of crude oil and 400,000 tons of oil products, achieving a turnover of $5.2 billion from crude alone. Petro's main trading office is in Baku and it also has a presence in Berlin. Petro's exact modus operandi is not clear, although sources familiar with the company say it buys oil from Socar's trading department in Baku and then sells it on to Socar Trading. The sources say a similar system existed in Russia throughout the 1990s, when oil would be transferred from seller to buyer via a chain of several interconnected companies. According to the Singapore share registry, Petro is 100% owned by Crowbar Holdings of the BVI, which does not appear to own any other assets. Coral Energy PTE, which was incorporated in Singapore in April, 2010, buys a combination of Azeri Light and Russian Urals crude exported by Socar out of Ceyhan and the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. The company's sole shareholder is Adept Holdings, a company registered in the Ajman free economic zone in the UAE. According to sources who have dealt with the company, Coral fulfills a similar role to Petro Singapore but is not as prolific. Sumato Energy, which was originally registered in New Zealand in 2005, sprang to attention when it started winning Socar tenders for crude delivered ex-Ceyhan. But last year Sumato was removed from the New Zealand registry and has now re-registered itself in Dubai, with trading offices in Singapore and the UAE. According to trading sources, the company is more involved in marketing oil products these days. Carlina Overseas Development, is a BVI-registered entity incorporated in 2006 to acquire ownership of the Georgian Black Sea terminal of Kulevi. The company is 75.5% owned by Socar subsidiary AzACG, with the remaining shares held by Dubai's Petro Trans, a subsidiary of the Middle East group (NC Apr.19'12). Paul Sampson, London

We have group companies operating in sectors such as insurance, ISP, natural gas, and more within SOCAR Turkey. As the legal team of the head office, we are responsible for ensuring that all companies comply with the legislation. We also have a monopoly in natural gas service in two cities in Turkey. Throughout all these processes, I take on the responsibility of ensuring compliance with sector regulations, including data privacy, and the data I manage in just the natural gas sector alone is 2.5 million. 006ab0faaa

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