SCAMS 2019

Southern California Annual Meeting on Syntax

SCAMS 2019

SCAMS 2019 (Southern California Annual Meeting on Syntax) will be held at Pomona College on Saturday, November 2, 2019.

The schedule has been set at this point, but we can add posters to the poster session if you want to present. If so, please fill out the SCAMS sign up form by Oct 15. If after October 15, write us to inquire about the possibility of being added.

If attending but not presenting, please also fill out the SCAMS sign up form to help us plan for food. Please contact with any questions.


Where to go for information: There will be no printed conference program, so all relevant information will be posted here.

Location: The conference will be held at Pomona College, in the Lincoln-Edmunds building (185 East Sixth St, Claremont, CA, 91711). The workshop will be in Edmunds 101, with lunch and the poster session/reception on first floor of the adjacent Lincoln building (and on the patio).

A Google Map with relevant workshop sites marked is here.

Weather: Evenings can get a tad chilly here (and the poster reception will be on an outdoor patio) so please bring a sweater or light coat for the late afternoon/evening.

Parking: Street parking is available on College Ave. and on many (though not all) nearby streets. No permit is required, simply watch for "No Parking" signs (e.g. on 6th street in front of our building).

Transportation: Please see the schedule of trains arriving at the Claremont Station within walking distance of the college. We have a Google Sheet for people to post carpooling needs/opportunities - contact us for the link.

WiFi: If your home institution uses Eduroam, you can use Eduroam here using your login credentials from your home campus. Otherwise, you can access WiFi using the "Pomona Guest" network.

Dinner: For participants who want to, we will be going for dinner/drinks in the Claremont "Village" after the workshop. We have made a reservation at Espiau's for 6:30pm. Unfortunately, SCAMS cannot cover dinner, so participants are on their own for that.


9:00-10:00 Registration and Breakfast (provided by SCAMS)

9:50-10:00 Opening Remarks, Michael Diercks (Pomona College)

10:00-10:30 The Syntax and Semantics of Spanish Comparatives: a Uniform Account, Luis Miguel Toquero PĂ©rez (USC)

10:30-11:00 Information Structure Constraints on OM-Doubling in Tiriki, Franco Liu (Pomona College)

11:00-11:30 Agreement Asymmetries in Copular Constructions in Kinande, Patricia Schneider-Zioga (CSU, Fullerton)

11:30-1:00 Lunch (provided by SCAMS)

1:00-1:30 Clausal Complements of Degree Heads, Vrinda Subhalaxmi Chidambaram (UCR)

1:30-2:00 The Evolution of Verbal Aspect and Tense in Mawes Aas'e and Wider Omotic-Mao, Michael Ahland (CSU, Long Beach)

2:00-2:30 Wh-questions in Rere, Alejandro Rodriguez (UCSD)

2:30-3:00 Break

3:00-3:30 Preboundary Lengthening Variation in French APs, Evidence for Prosodic Recursivity?, Sihun Jung (UCSD)

3:30-4:00 Syntactic Reduplication: Unconditional Relatives and Indefinite Pronouns, Giuseppina Silvestri (UCLA)

4:00-5:00 Poster Session and Reception (Refreshments provided)

    • Polarity Variable does not Move, Zhuo Chen (UCLA)

    • English Titles and Appositives: Categorizing Pseudo-titles, Caitlin Brady (CSU, Fullerton)

    • Information Structure in the Verb Phrase: Object Marking in Lubukusu, Justine Sikuku (Moi University) and Michael Diercks (Pomona College)

    • Uyghur ECM: Do We Need Dependent Case Theory?, Travis Major (UCLA)

    • Verbal Anaphora in Persian: Deep or Surface Anaphora?, Vahideh Rasekhi (UCLA)

5:00-6:00 Reception continues through 6pm

5:30-6:00 Brief business meeting for interested parties (one agenda item: does anyone want to host next year?)

6:30pm Dinner at Espiau's (109 Yale Avenue Claremont, CA 91711)

SCAMS 2019 was made possible by generous funding from the Robert Efron Lectureship in Cognitive Science.