The AI Collaborative Network (AICON) or Advanced Imaging and Computational Neuroimaging (AICON) Laboratory is at the forefront of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into medical imaging.

Led by Professor Kyu Sung Choi, is a specialized research unit within the Radiology Department of Seoul National University Hospital.

Our mission is to redefine the landscape of neuroimaging by leveraging AI technologies.

Focused on enhancing the diagnosis, prognostication, and understanding of biological backgrounds, we aim to develop highly accurate and efficient AI models to be deployed in the real clinical practice.

Recent Research

Driven by physician-scientists and physician-investigators, the lab focuses on:

Recent News

"Continuous Spatio-Temporal Representation with Implicit Neural Representation and Neural Ordinary Differential Equation in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI"

"Improved Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Diffuse Gliomas: Clinical Application of Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction and Denoising Techiques"

"Continuous Spatio-Temporal Representation with Implicit Neural Representation and Neural Ordinary Differential Equation in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI" 

"Unsupervised Model-Free Leakage Detection in DCE-MRI Using Generative Adversarial Networks" 


Research Topics : Deep Learning, MRI, Neuroimaging, Neuro-Oncology

Language : Python ( Pytorch, Tensorflow), R

SNUH Radiology AICON Lab will be accepting applications from highly motivated applicants, and you will get a extra point if you have preferred Skills. 

Please email us here your CV if interested.