Country Report Overview



Asia Regional Information Center as one of research centers at Asia Center has been working on the production of country reports since early 2019. The country report project has presently covered over 20 countries in South East and middle East Asia, Africa and South America. To expand the contents of country reports and experts network, the center has cooperated with the SNU Global R&DB center.


 The country report is a broad range of information about a country’s current situation written by a team of experts, including public officials of a nation and regional and subject matter experts at Seoul National University.



The country report is composed of three major parts: national review, public administration and sustainable development goals. Each part consists of various related subjects described with experts’ summary, main indicators, statistical data/analysis and current issues. As another major part, ICT country reports produced by the SNU Global R&DB center will be included. Lastly, the country report covers the recent significant and urgent policies of each country to provide more detailed and timely information about a country’s situation.


 Online co-working

 regional experts and public officials from other countries co-working on data collection and writing through google drive, unlimited by time and space

Data collection and database construction 

data from international institutions such as UN, World Bank, OECD, IMF, ITU and ICPSR, and each country’s domestic institutions; Data clarification for standardized database and analysis; the identification of differences between international and domestic data to prevent any possible misunderstanding of the country

The principles of using statistics for indicators

 (reference: Statistics Denmark)

Quality Control

constant feedback and communication between the project staff, regional experts and public officials; periodical country report workshop for the cross-checking and sharing of each country’s working process; country/regional experts’ consultation; peer review process

Sharing in public

 academic and practical conferences open to the public; constant data and reports uploading on the center’s homepage

Table of Contents

National review

Issues in Public Administration and governance

 Political structure, the constitution of government, personne managementl, performance management, budget management, local administration and decentralization, public sector reforms, NGO and civil society, and major research institutes

Major policy issues

Different major policy issues in each country

Sustainable development goals