Snorre Lindset


I am a finance professor and the program director for the Master in Financial Economics at the economics department at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). I am also a member of the appeal board for oil taxation.


  • Best paper award

    • Together with Stig Helberg, we received the award for best paper published in Financial Markets and Portfolio Management in 2020 for our paper "Collateral affects return risk: evidence from the euro bond market".


  • Trondheim Business School, Høgskolekandidat 1993

  • Bodø Graduate School, Siviløkonom 1995

  • Norwegian School of Economics, Cand.merc 1999, Dr. oecon 2003


  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology 2003-present


I the 2000s, I focused on pricing and risk management in insurance and on financial engineering. In recent years, I have focused on credit risk, asset pricing, and dynamic models in corporate finance and banking. Here is a link to my research (and also here).