SNO911 Radio Replacement Project (RRP)

This is a significant, multi-year program, with comprised of projects. The focus is to deliver, update, upgrade, standardize, modernize and improve and enhance the communication capabilities of 911, Police, Fire, Emergency Medical, Emergency Management, Corrections, and Sheriffs.

SNO911 leads this effort. Ultimately, SNO911 will be the central point of making Snohomish County's Partner Agency Communications optimum, reliant, and efficient as we serve the residents of Snohomish County.

RRP Projects

The Radio Replacement Project

The Radio Replacement Project officially began with the successful passing of Snohomish County Proposition #1 in November of 2018.

The goals of the Radio Replacement Project are simple but significant:

  1. Upgrade and/or replace the existing Emergency Radio System – and its supporting sub-systems – to bring the systems back to a level supported by vendors to ensure reliability and support

  2. Upgrade and/or replace the existing user radio equipment on behalf of our agencies

  3. Maintain the level of system performance and features relative to the current system

The Radio Replacement Project has six major areas of technical focus:

  1. Trunked radio system upgrades, replacements, and expansions

  2. Conventional radio system updates

  3. Alphanumeric paging system updates

  4. Portable and mobile user radio replacements

  5. Fire station alerting radio replacements

  6. Supporting microwave system upgrades and enhancements

To implement the above many of our existing site locations require other work to site systems including AC/DC power and tower strengthening. This is a multi-year project, and will involve both sequential and parallel work efforts.

Measuring Success

The definition of success is often difficult to define in a project of this magnitude and duration. Systems that support the needs of First-Responders are always adapting due to the ever-changing needs of their mission. Therefore, our measurement of success is both in what we implement, but also in how we implement it. To that end, we wish to document our definition of success so that we can use it as our guiding principles when difficulties are encountered:

  • We recognize the urgent need to complete this work, therefore a responsible and timely implementation must be prioritized

  • We must ensure that the goals and requirements of the system are met in a quantifiable and measurable manner, yet are open to change as the needs of our agencies change

  • We are accountable to both our First-Responders and the citizens of Snohomish County to implement this system and future programs in a fiscally-responsible manner

  • We will regularly communicate our progress to our stakeholders so that all agencies can share in the decisions that can have an impact to their operations

This website is intended to be the primary source for information

  • Normal SNO911 governance/communication processes

  • Latest updates

  • Consistent Information access

    • Partner Agencies

    • Project related individuals

We welcome any and all feedback to improve our communications and service, please do not hesitate to reach out to any Wireless Technology staff member with your comments or concerns.

Chris Ampongan

RRP Project Manager | Snohomish County 911 |


Sno911, Wireless Tech (The Core Team)

    • Kurt Mills

      • Exec Director, Project Sponsor

      • Terry Peterson

        • Deputy Director, Project Executive

      • Marlin Herolaga

        • Director of Technology, Technology & Ops Support

    • Chris Ampongan

      • Subscriber Project Manager

    • Howard Tucker

      • System Support Manager (Operations)

        • Eric Schoonmaker

          • Electronic Communications Specialist

        • Duane Leger

          • Electronic Communications Specialist

        • Patton Gutierrez

          • Facilities, Logistics and Fleet Coordinator

        • Kevin Arnold

          • Electronic Communications Specialist

        • Cabe Bartz

          • Electronic Communications Specialist

        • Andy Perry

          • Electronics Communications Specialist

    • Steve Lawlor

      • Business Unit Manager (Logistics Management)

        • Ken Dennett

          • Asset Deployment Specialist

RRP Contractor Teams

  • Motorola (Equipment and Technical Source)

    • Laurel Walling

      • Project Sponsor

    • Joe Piksa

      • Account Executive

        • Charles Hasenbeck

          • Sr. Project Manager

            • Joe Harris

              • Subscriber Project Manager

            • Mike Petzold

              • Subscriber Project Manager

            • Dan Gililand

              • Lead System Technologist

            • Jeff Geer

              • Supporting Engineer

            • Joe Keen

              • Engineer Backhaul

  • ADCOMM (Project & Technical assistance and Advisory)

    • Molly Kovaka

      • Project Manager

    • Jennifer Skilowitz

      • Consulting Systems Engineer

        • John Conley

          • Site Mgmt. SME (backup)

        • Mike Norin

          • RF SME

        • Susan Ronning

          • Principal Engineer

Sno911 Org Chart, Inter-actions

Click to see the interaction between Sno911, and their Contractor Teams in order to deliver the RRP to our Partner Agencies