Snitch is directed by Ric Roman Waugh and written by Waugh and Justin Haythe. The project was first set up in 2004 by Guy East and Nigel Sinclair, partners at Spitfire Pictures. They were inspired by a Frontline documentary about how changes to the federal drug policy of the United States encouraged the incarcerated to snitch on their accomplices.

I needed to remove Little Snitch from a system that wouldn't boot (hence, couldn't use the uninstaller) and accomplished it by logging in to Single User Mode (hold down Cmd+S) then mounting the drive and running commands from a script posted at

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What exactly is a snitch?

A snitch is a person who tells on another person, in other words - a tattletale. The company snitch does the same of course, only he's telling tales on his colleagues and specifically to his boss.

Whereas when we were small, tattletales were more often-than-not girls, in professional life they are just as likely, if not more, to be of the male gender. At least this is my personal experience. I wonder if the male snitch has more oestrogen than his other male colleagues, since snitching is considered to be a typical female characteristic? Now I come to think of it, male snitches often have female managers. Perhaps female managers are more open to it (or even encourage this kind of behavior) than their male counterparts.

Profile of a snitch

The snitch is between 30-45 years old. He never completely grew up emotionally (he got stuck at primary school level). Integrity is foreign to him. It's often common knowledge that this person is a snitch and cannot be trusted. Nobody really likes him, not even his boss. He thinks he is the boss's pet, but his boss just uses him to do his dirty work for him. Apart from the fact that he is a great informant he is also more than willing to act as a messenger. 


 During lunch the snitch sits and listens carefully to all incriminating jokes and stories that are told around the lunch table. He makes sure to laugh at the right moment. He knows how to stirr up a conversation just about enough to elicit reactions. He's got an excellent (short term) memory for the content storage and names of the people who were involved in an incriminating joke or conversation. To the snitch this is valuable information, which he can use to score points with his boss.

It also worked out well that I went as Ginny Weasley playing Quidditch so making a DIY Golden Snitch Costume seemed like a perfect fit. We got a lot of compliments on our costumes, and the golden snitch was the big hit.

Using the Medium circle i added the second line and center top swirls. Then added another swirl to the side as well. Then using the next size down circle I added the large wing line swirl around the entire snitch.

"Cannot start node if snitch's data center (east-side) differs from previous data center (Cassandra). Please fix the snitch configuration, decommission and rebootstrap this node or use the flag -Dcassandra.ignore_dc=true"

You can access and manage your snitches with Dead Man's Snitch's JSON API. You might use the API to build a custom monitoring dashboard or to automate your monitoring workflow by managing your snitches from scripts.

You can create a new snitch with the API. Construct a JSON representation of the snitch properties and send a POST request to /v1/snitches. Make sure you set a Content-Type: application/json header on the request.

If the snitch wasn't created because your request JSON was malformed, the response HTTP status will be 422 (Unprocessable Entity), an error message will be set, and the type of the error will be "resource_invalid".

If you have the maximum number of snitches your plan allows, when you try to create another snitch you will recieve a response with HTTP status 402 (Payment Required). An error message will be set, and the type of the error will be plan_limit_reached.

You can manage your case's API keys on your case's API Keys page. Create a new one and copy the token to use in your API requests. You can create a unique key for each place that will be accessing the snitches for that case.

anfd is a perl script which does the job, but it is not at all as userfriendly as little snitch. There is a good, but German wiki page. Download the script here and run it with anfd -h to see the following help text:

On top of the cases already impacted by the snitch scandal's long reach, Sanders outlined dozens more cases in a recent court filing that could be revisited because of new evidence of potential misconduct. That misconduct, Sanders alleges, was carried out by O.C. law enforcement officers and a former top prosecutor who is now a superior court judge.

The official misconduct uncovered in the Dekraai murder case, which has been confirmed by courts, internal investigations and the Department of Justice, was twofold: misusing jailhouse informants, commonly known as snitches, and hiding information about it from defendants.

"If you're sitting in state prison, you're going to probably know about it, you're going to hear about it," Sanders said about early news of the snitch scandal. "People would write in. People would say, 'Hey, I want to have my case addressed.' All sorts of things like that."

But unlike Sanders' list of cases affected by misconduct in the O.C. snitch scandal, LAist could find no record of the total number of cases impacted by L.A.'s snitch scandal, including cases in which sentences were reduced or a new trial was ordered.

Natapoff, the Harvard scholar who's an expert in snitching, said the O.C. scandal is "both a cautionary tale of what happens when we leave the informant market unregulated and also a sign to us that without public defender offices and attorneys willing to spend the resources to uncover these kinds of scandals, we are likely never to learn about them." 006ab0faaa

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