{Snippet} Holder

Warehouse for Building Blocks of Code

Don't let your efforts go in vain

Store Immediately ........ Learn Incrementally

Why Snippet Holder ?

After spending hours of valuble time in fixing a bug with snippet of code, Don't start from scratch again searching for that atomic part. Snippet Holder is smart and secure solution to store codes from anywhere.

Arrange Codes by topic

Create topics you tend to encounter

Hash Tags and Smart Search

Use HashTags and Search to locate the fix you are looking for


Share your code easily

Save from browser

Save directly from your browser or any other apps

Accessible Across Platforms

Access your codes across all platforms.

Your codes are stored privately in your own iCloud

Scan the Code

Scan the code you would like to save easily.

Extract code from images

Select image you would like to use to extract the code

Quiz Time

Play with codes to learn them easily. Select number of codes based on your time


See Stats of your play time in both graphs and numbers


See Suggestions from Siri and Ask Siri to show the code