Sniper Shot: Bullet Time is an epic shooting game where you have a sniper rifle in your hands and do your best to kill your enemies with it. Aim at the enemy, pull the trigger, and watch the epic animation. Experiment with the position of shooting and hitting different parts of the enemy's body. You can also jump high to get to your enemies and kill them within a short distance. Features: Spectacular experience Unique gameplay X-ray camera Stunning effectsRelease DateJune 2022

sounds like you are having trouble opening with it. which ill admit is kinda tough at times, and timing it can get messy. but the shot hits for a good amount. so i think it fits perfect with our kit. i open with sniper - double tap - aimed - true shot - rf. that kills most clothies and usually causes most melee to not even want a piece of you in bgs.

Sniper Shot 3d Game Download

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it depends on your traits too. your aimed shot flys right off when in TS but usually by this point the mob is running like heck away from me so RF works better. either that or they have popped a defensive

sniper is actually good, while aimedshot can do similar damage this is only at above 80% or below 20%, while sniper can be used at any % of health and it has great scaling, ive hit FCs for around 100k with sniper shot before they had stacks. it scales with all damage modifers and mastery. it comes down to being a 10 sec CD greater pyro that you cant kick.

really MM is missing one critical ability to be viable in 2s and 3s. rather then a shot like scatter being baseline (which doesnt give us another ability just bakes it in) im thinking it needs to be centered around changing sniper shot. this ability is great but I think the added range it gives has caused the devs to give us less control over all. so to fix this I propose this change which has 2 parts.

Reports regarding the longest recorded sniper kills that contain information regarding the shooting distance and the identity of the sniper have been presented to the general public since 1967.[citation needed] Snipers have had a substantial history following the development of long distance weaponry. As weapons, ammunition, and aids to determine ballistic solutions improved, so too did the distance from which a kill could be targeted. In mid-2017 it was reported that an unnamed Canadian special forces operator, based in Iraq, had set a new record of 3,540 m (3,871 yd), beating the record previously held by an Australian sniper (also unnamed) at 2,815 m (3,079 yd).[4] In November 2023, the record was once again broken by 58-year old Ukrainian sniper, Vyacheslav Kovalsky from the Security Service of Ukraine, who shot a Russian soldier from a distance of 3,800 m (4,156 yd) during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[5][6][7][8][9]

The modern method of long-distance sniping (shots over 1,100 m or 0.7 mi) requires intense training and practice. A sniper must have the ability to accurately estimate the various factors that influence a bullet's trajectory and point of impact, such as the shooter's distance from the target, wind direction, wind speed, air density, elevation, and even the Coriolis effect. Mistakes in estimation compound over distance and can cause a shot to only injure, or to miss completely.[10] Any given combination of firearm and ammunition will have an associated value, known as the circular error probable (CEP), defined as the radius of a circle whose boundary is expected to contain the impact points of half of the rounds fired.[11]

If the shooter wishes to improve accuracy, increase range, or both, the accuracy of estimates of external factors must improve accordingly. At extreme ranges, highly accurate estimates are required and even with the most accurate estimates, hitting the target becomes subject to uncontrollable factors. For example, a rifle capable of firing a  or 0.5 MOA (approximately 0.5 inch center to center of the two holes furthest apart) 5-round group (often referred to as "grouping") at 100 yards will theoretically fire a 12.5 inch group at 2,500 yards (0.5  2,500/100 = 12.5). Unless the group is centered perfectly on the target at 100 yards, the 2,500-yard group will be centered 25 times the off-center error at 100 yards. This example ignores all other factors and assumes no-wind shooting conditions, identical muzzle velocities, and identical ballistic performance for each shot.[citation needed]

In addition to his success as a USMC scout-sniper during multiple deployments to Vietnam, Hathcock competed in multiple USMC shooting teams. Hathcock also won the 1966 Wimbledon Cup, which is earned by the winner of the US 1,000-yard high-powered rifle National Championship. Even after being severely burned during an attack on an Amtrac on which he was riding in his efforts to rescue other soldiers, which earned him a Silver Star, and after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Hathcock continued to serve, shoot and instruct. In Vietnam, Hathcock also completed missions involving a "through the scope" shot which killed an enemy sniper specifically hunting him, and a multiple-day solo stalk and kill of an enemy general.[19]

Hathcock's record stood until Canadian sniper Arron Perry of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry exceeded it with a shot of 2,310 m (2,530 yd). Perry held the title for only a few days, as another man in his unit, Corporal Rob Furlong, beat Perry's distance with a 2,430 m (2,657 yd) shot in March 2002. Perry and Furlong were part of a six-man sniper team during 2002's Operation Anaconda, part of the War in Afghanistan.[3]

Corporal Furlong's record was bested by a British soldier, Corporal of Horse Craig Harrison, of the Blues and Royals, Household Cavalry, who recorded two consecutive 2,475 m (2,707 yd) shots (confirmed by GPS) in November 2009, also during the War in Afghanistan, in which he hit two Taliban insurgents consecutively.[20] Harrison killed the two Taliban machine gunners with shots that took the 8.59 mm (0.338 inch) rounds almost five seconds to hit their targets, which were 900 m (980 yd) beyond the L115A3 sniper rifle's recommended range. A third shot took out the insurgents' machine gun. The rifle used was made by Accuracy International.[21]

In June 2017, an unnamed sniper from Canada's Tier 1 special forces unit, Joint Task Force 2, surpassed the 2009 record by over 1,000 m (1,100 yd), with a 3,540 m (3,871 yd) shot in the Iraqi Civil War. As with the previous two Canadian records, a McMillan TAC-50 with .50 BMG ammunition was used.[1][2]

In November 2023, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, an unnamed special agent with the Security Service of Ukraine, surpassed the previous world record by shooting a Russian soldier from a distance of 3,800 meters (2.36 miles). The sniper used a Ukrainian-made, multi-caliber anti-materiel sniper rifle named Volodar Obriyu (Horizon's Lord [uk]). The bullet used was a newly developed .50 caliber round named 12.7114 mm HL, which was made by necking down a 14.5114 mm case.[5][6][7][8][9]

This list is not exhaustive, as such data is generally not tracked nor managed under any official procedure. For example, the Canadian Army 2002 sniper team that saw two soldiers (Arron Perry/2,310 m and Rob Furlong/2,430 m) set consecutive new records, also made a number of kills at 1,500 m (1,600 yd) that are not counted here.[22] The list also shows that, in some cases, an armed force command may choose to withhold the name of the sniper for security reasons.

I understand that snipers are keeping you inside the map at the bridge leading out from the Woods map at the paid exit, so if you try to cross the bridge you get shot.

But it feels a little awkward and unnecessary to have them kill me when in the extraction zone just beside the car, having just paid my way to extraction. Is it possible to move the firing area a tiny bit further out?

Hey, maybe we could start a consortium of players who pitch in funds for bounties on extraction zone snipers...evidence you killed a extraction zone sniper? i dunno get them cash in game or kick ass armor or weapons or something, it would be cool if you could put a scratch mark on your helmet for each scumbag you blow away...get the scratches in red if you take 'em out with your gotta have a micro-penis to sink that low man and shoot people trying to leave the game

I got u, but i meant the risky, means, that u have no cover, so the border, where u get killed by AI sniper, is right behind the car,so u have to stay on visible place, behind the fifth car doors, or next to car, to stand the "risky" visible place from village. So, from the direcrion of the village behind the car is "not allowed zone" it makes sense.

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 09-30-2014, 09:40 PM #2 Flash33View ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Navigator 

Flash33's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Seth Pirate's Class:  Witchdoctor Pirate's Level:  70 Ship Type:  Aquila Galleon Join Date Apr 2012Posts 3,183PvP Tournaments Won 0 Thanks 587 Thanks (Received) 3,450Gold 785Blog Entries70 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical?As @Ratbeard would say, "This is working as intended".

Signature made by HelpfulAuroraParker.Illustrated Guide to the Boochbeard Bundle/Life of a Witchdoctor/Guide to Chapter Pricing/Real Life Armada Disguise/Tips to Good Feedback/Yo Ho! - A Pirate101 Song

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The Following User Says Thank You to Flash33 For This Useful Post:BiG BaD WoLFY (10-01-2014)

 09-30-2014, 11:25 PM #3 Blaze LionRiderView ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Boatswain 

Blaze LionRider's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Bloody Phillip Freeman Pirate's Class:  Witchdoctor Pirate's Level:  65 Ship Type:  Skull Island Frigate Join Date Aug 2012Posts 1,836PvP Tournaments Won 0 Thanks 657 Thanks (Received) 694Gold 740 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical?You probably just get lucky with Sniper Shot frequently, though there could be a reason for this, such as powers gaining a larger critical boost from the stat difference between attacker and defender. I've noticed the same phenomenon with my Ratbeard's "Buccaneer's Charge". However, it does not always critical, and due to it's effects I usually use it against Swashbuckler's and Musketeers, who have naturally low strength.

Bloody Phillip Freeman-Level 65 Witchdoctor

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 10-01-2014, 12:01 AM #4 BiG BaD WoLFYView ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Rookie 

BiG BaD WoLFY's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Noble Wolf Hawkins Pirate's Class:  Swashbuckler Pirate's Level:  70 Ship Type:  Eagle Galleon Join Date Oct 2012Posts 174PvP Tournaments Won 3 Thanks 316 Thanks (Received) 197Gold 145 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical? Originally Posted by Blaze LionRiderYou probably just get lucky with Sniper Shot frequently, though there could be a reason for this, such as powers gaining a larger critical boost from the stat difference between attacker and defender. I've noticed the same phenomenon with my Ratbeard's "Buccaneer's Charge". However, it does not always critical, and due to it's effects I usually use it against Swashbuckler's and Musketeers, who have naturally low strength.I've literally hit super hits EVERY SINGLE TIME with Chantal's sniper so much so that I use it over her regular critical hit power since I can basically put an enemy out of regular range into low yellow health and get the double tap on enemies in range who I usually kill since I have an overwatch wall. It's usually, I buff, chantal buffs, Louis and bonnie line up the "over watch wall". Then I use bombs for melee mobs or I start using my musket shots. I kid you not when I say every single time. I've done it without buffs too, on Musketeers and swash mobs. I definitely think it's a thing (bug).

-Noble Wolf Hawkins- *PvP Champion*

| Max -Swashbuckler-| Max Musketeer |

| Max Privateer | Max Buccaneer |

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 10-01-2014, 03:43 PM #5 11BobsingView ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Deck Swabber 

11Bobsing's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Helpful Duncan Silver Pirate's Class:  Musketeer Pirate's Level:  65 Ship Type:  Aquila Galleon Join Date Feb 2013Posts 112PvP Tournaments Won 0 Thanks 328 Thanks (Received) 120Gold 107Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical?Sniper Shot has always been a guaranteed critical hit. Reply With Quote 

 10-01-2014, 03:56 PM #6 Blaze LionRiderView ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Boatswain 

Blaze LionRider's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Bloody Phillip Freeman Pirate's Class:  Witchdoctor Pirate's Level:  65 Ship Type:  Skull Island Frigate Join Date Aug 2012Posts 1,836PvP Tournaments Won 0 Thanks 657 Thanks (Received) 694Gold 740 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical? Originally Posted by BiG BaD WoLFYI've literally hit super hits EVERY SINGLE TIME with Chantal's sniper so much so that I use it over her regular critical hit power since I can basically put an enemy out of regular range into low yellow health and get the double tap on enemies in range who I usually kill since I have an overwatch wall. It's usually, I buff, chantal buffs, Louis and bonnie line up the "over watch wall". Then I use bombs for melee mobs or I start using my musket shots. I kid you not when I say every single time. I've done it without buffs too, on Musketeers and swash mobs. I definitely think it's a thing (bug).Again, I believe certain powers have a higher critical chance than others. The fact that you are using multiple buffs also affects Chantal's critical chance, especially against low-agility enemies. I only rarely buff my Ratbeard, which is why he does not have the 100% critical chance you seem to have. This is just a theory of mine, however, and you may be correct that this is a glitch. Only a Pirate101 developer would be able to confirm or deny this, however.

Bloody Phillip Freeman-Level 65 Witchdoctor

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The Following User Says Thank You to Blaze LionRider For This Useful Post:BiG BaD WoLFY (10-01-2014)

 10-02-2014, 07:06 AM #7 Lucas WalkerView ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Sailor 

Lucas Walker's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Lucas Walker Pirate's Class:  Musketeer Pirate's Level:  65 Ship Type:  Aquilan Galleon Join Date Dec 2012Posts 1,056PvP Tournaments Won 0 Thanks 814 Thanks (Received) 1,125Gold 228 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical? Originally Posted by Blaze LionRiderAgain, I believe certain powers have a higher critical chance than others. The fact that you are using multiple buffs also affects Chantal's critical chance, especially against low-agility enemies. I only rarely buff my Ratbeard, which is why he does not have the 100% critical chance you seem to have. This is just a theory of mine, however, and you may be correct that this is a glitch. Only a Pirate101 developer would be able to confirm or deny this, however.Sniper Shot is a guaranteed super critical hit, the damage it actually does compared to what it says on the card is around x2 as much.Stats and How They Work for Beginners! 

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 10-02-2014, 07:20 AM #8 King6510View ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Lookout 

King6510's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Golden Chris Silver Pirate's Class:  Witchdoctor Pirate's Level:  65 Ship Type:  Aquilian Galleon Join Date Jul 2014Posts 679PvP Tournaments Won 0 Thanks 281 Thanks (Received) 277Gold 718 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical? Originally Posted by Blaze LionRiderAgain, I believe certain powers have a higher critical chance than others. The fact that you are using multiple buffs also affects Chantal's critical chance, especially against low-agility enemies. I only rarely buff my Ratbeard, which is why he does not have the 100% critical chance you seem to have. This is just a theory of mine, however, and you may be correct that this is a glitch. Only a Pirate101 developer would be able to confirm or deny this, however.Go observe Ratbeard. He has two critical cards.Last edited by King6510; 10-02-2014 at 07:21 AM.

-GoldenChrisSilver Level70W GoldenChrisSilver Level70B GoldenChrisSilver Level70SGoldenChristinaSilver Level70P GoldenChristinaSilver Level25M Reply With Quote 

 10-02-2014, 09:59 AM #9 Flash33View ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries Navigator 

Flash33's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Seth Pirate's Class:  Witchdoctor Pirate's Level:  70 Ship Type:  Aquila Galleon Join Date Apr 2012Posts 3,183PvP Tournaments Won 0 Thanks 587 Thanks (Received) 3,450Gold 785Blog Entries70 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical? Originally Posted by Peanut2510Go observe Ratbeard. He has two critical cards.Ratbeard only has one (1) guaranteed critical strike power-his reduce agility and accuracy power doesn't always critical.

Signature made by HelpfulAuroraParker.Illustrated Guide to the Boochbeard Bundle/Life of a Witchdoctor/Guide to Chapter Pricing/Real Life Armada Disguise/Tips to Good Feedback/Yo Ho! - A Pirate101 Song

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 10-02-2014, 10:27 AM #10 Alex DeathflameView ProfileView Forum PostsView Blog Entries P101C Tournament Master 

Alex Deathflame's Pirate101 Stats Pirate's Name:  Dead-Eye Alex Hawkins Pirate's Class:  Musketeer Pirate's Level:  65 Ship Type:  Eagle Galleon Join Date May 2012Posts 665PvP Tournaments Won 11 Thanks 797 Thanks (Received) 1,203Gold 861 Re: Does Sniper Shot always critical?For as long as I can remember certain spells have always been guaranteed criticals. Whether you are using the Musketeer sniper riffle or Chantal's own sniper shot, it will always super critical. Same thing with the Dragoon Autocannon from Rooke, the big shot will always critical as well. Not sure if there are any melee powers that have this same interaction.

Dead-Eye Alex/Valeria Hawkins (70 Musketeers) | Silent Alex Hawkins (70 Swashbuckler) | Trustworthy Alex Hawkins (70 Privateer) 

Gruesome Alex Hawkins (70 Buccaneer) | Wicked Alex Hawkins (70 Witchdoctor) | Reply With Quote 

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