Zombie Army Trilogy is a third-person tactical shooter video game developed and published by Rebellion Developments. It is a spin-off to the Sniper Elite series and was released on March 6, 2015, for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One.[1] A port for the Nintendo Switch was released on March 31, 2020, in North America and Europe, and in Japan on May 28, 2020.[2][3] The game takes place in an alternative version of the final days of World War II, with the German army close to defeat. Adolf Hitler deploys a last resort plan to raise the fallen as zombies through occult rituals and turn them against Allied forces, thus causing Germany to become overrun with the undead.

The "X-Ray Kill Cam" feature from V2 also makes a return, in which when a successful and skilled shot is made, the camera will track the bullet from the sniper rifle to the target in slow motion, and upon impact will show an anatomically correct x-ray style reveal of the body part being hit and the damage the bullet causes to the organs and bones. Some items can also trigger an explosion when shot, which can be used to the player's advantage against the hordes of zombies. The game will also measure notable shots by briefly displaying distance and other factors like whether it was a head shot or moving target.

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Once the zombies are released, OSS operative and sniper Karl Fairburne, veteran Red Army infantryman Boris Medvedev, Wehrmacht Captain Hermann Wolff, and German occultist Efram Schweiger are forced to team up in an abandoned village not far from Berlin. After clearing the village of zombies, the quartet commandeers a truck to take them to Berlin. Once there, they find the city in chaos; zombies roam the streets and alleyways. A radio transmission tells the quartet that the zombies are gathering in the nearby Memorial Cathedral, so the four go to investigate. At the cathedral, they find an SS occult general summoning zombies. In a fight with him and his minions, the survivors send the demonically-possessed officer back to Hell and discover a tunnel under the church's altar. The tunnel leads the group to an underground facility overrun with the undead. Inside, the four discover a reference to a Book of Souls, stored in the Berlin Central Library, which is a safeguard medieval occult text in case the zombies proved difficult to control. Hitler never retrieved it before unleashing the horde. Exiting the facility, the survivors fight their way to the library, where they obtain the book and unleash its power on the zombies, but find that its effects are negligible. The four then escape through the U-Bahn to a canal where they kill another SS occult general and escape via a British agent on a boat.

Three months later, in August, Hitler has risen from the dead and joined the ranks of the undead as their leader. Still humanly sentient, Hitler has organized the zombies into a new army, using them to tighten his grip on Nazi Germany. Pockets of survivors have sprung up all over Germany, supported by Allied airdrops of supplies. Fairburne, Wolff, Medvedev, and Schweiger are tasked with retrieving war-winning intel from a British agent named MacNeil who they discover was killed by the zombies after being forced into St. Ulrich Hospital. When they do, they discover that Hitler has obtained the Book of Souls and is shipping his undead troops to an unknown location. The four hitch a ride on one of Hitler's supply trains and take it straight to a rally where Hitler is outlining his plans for the new Undead Reich. Fairburne attempts to assassinate Hitler, only for the bullet to stop right in front of Hitler's face. Only Schweiger's use of the Relic prevents the four from being swarmed by the zombies at the rally. The squad is then deployed to infiltrate the Folterschloss, Hitler's private mountain stronghold in a forest nearby. Making their way to the tram station that supports the castle, the four discover that Hitler is attempting to use humans to power a propaganda device in the castle. The four find the key that activates the full power of the Relic and escape as the man powering the device detonates the fortification. Hitler's headquarters is determined to be a large fortified facility inside the irradiated badlands outside Berlin, which the group infiltrates. They sabotage the industrial plant that the Fhrer is using to manufacture weapons, equipment, and food supplies for the zombie army and then face off with Hitler himself. After defeating an enormous zombie Hitler, Fairburne tosses the real Hitler down to Hell. Medvedev throws the relic, and Faireburne shoots it just before it enters the Hellhole, releasing its holy energy. The quartet manage to escape as Hitler's headquarters is completely destroyed.

With V2's incredible mechanics being employed to take on a more morally acceptable foe, Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army makes a worthy addition to the Sniper Elite franchise. With its extremely budget-friendly price and surprisingly large amount of content, NZA will please existing sniper fans, as well as anyone curious to check out what it might be like to shoot a few hundred zombies in the face from 70 yards away. The skeletons are a disaster and the bosses aren't great, but the core mechanics are so good that it deserves a look solely on their strengths. Rating: 7.5 out of 10.

Unlike its big brother, Nazi Zombie Army completely eliminates the stealth element but keeps the sniper rifle as your main firearm. I know it sounds insane, but the x-ray camera makes a return with tons more opportunity to use. The satisfaction I got from sniping a kamikaze zombie at long range, only to have his explosion take down an entire group of enemies was beyond satisfying. The various enemies also spice up the campaign. There are sniper zombies that hop from rooftop to rooftop, while the explosive undead charge carelessly to get close enough to take you down with a boom.

While the earlier games in the series were more focused on having patience and strategizing your attempt at completing your mission objectives, this game ignores all that in favor of pure survival horror, with hordes of undead soldiers rushing at you. These soldiers will not die unless they are shot through the head, or destroyed via an explosion. Asides from common grunts, there are suicidal zombies who will lunge at you and blow themselves up, and enemy sniper zombies which jump from building to building to shoot at you. There are also elite soldiers at the end of each chapter which take many direct headshots to defeat.

Hey there, my fellow gamers! Get ready to lock and load because we've got a seriously epic game on our hands - Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army! *Cue dramatic entrance music!*

This game is not your average run-of-the-mill zombie shooter, oh no. It's a spine-chilling, heart-pounding, undead-infested extravaganza that will leave you screaming for more (and nicely bruised, too - you'll be slapping your own face just to make sure you're not dreaming)!

Picture this: you and your buddies, armed to the teeth, taking on Hitler's resurrected zombie army. Yeah, you heard me right, folks. These gnarly zombies are not just your regular shuffling moaners - they've got the brains (or lack thereof) of Nazi soldiers. Talk about double trouble!

With a co-op campaign that supports 1 to 4 players, you and your squad can team up and face the undead menace together. And let me tell you, there's nothing quite like mowing down hordes of zombies with your pals while exchanging banter and high-fives. It's like a multiplayer party in the middle of a zombie apocalypse!

But it's not just about mindlessly shooting zombies, my friends. Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army takes it up a notch with its signature slow-motion X-ray kill cam. That's right, you get to witness your perfectly timed shots tear through rotting flesh in glorious detail. It's like a gruesome work of art, if you're into that kind of thing.

And let's not forget about the atmospheric visuals, the eerie sound design, and the heart-stopping moments that will have you jumping out of your gaming chair. This game is packed with intense action, pulse-pounding excitement, and enough gore to make even the hardiest of zombie lovers squeal with delight.

So, grab your sniper rifle, strap on your courage, and prepare to face the undead horde like never before! Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army will have you on the edge of your seat, laughing in the face of danger, and leaving your enemies in a pile of blood-soaked ruins. Get ready for an unforgettable gaming experience!

And hey, if you're craving even more zombie madness, check out the remastered and improved edition in Zombie Army Trilogy. Because hey, why settle for just one zombie army when you can tackle THREE? Game on, my friends! Game on! 2351a5e196

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