(S)marter, (N)ot (H)arder.

SNH Data Services

Helping nonprofits work smarter, not harder, to advance their mission

Use what you already have to advance your mission.

As a member of the nonprofit community, you have likely experienced the strain that comes with having to do more with less. When it comes to making use of your data to determine where your limited resources should go, it is tempting to spend a significant amount of time and money on whatever will give you the next big "a-ha" moment.

But what if you already had everything you needed to have your "a-ha" moment?

SNH Data Services believes you have the resources already. Between what you already have and what is readily available, you probably have everything you need right now. You don't need to spend any additional time and money on obtaining resources. It's time to work Smarter, Not Harder.

SNH Data Services helps you leverage your resources.

Despite the cultural push to always change and evolve, there are times when this simply isn't necessary. SNH Data Services believes that everything you need to have and know to leverage your data already exists; it just needs to be brought to light. Rather than pushing the latest and greatest data products and services, SNH Data Services will help you identify all your current resources and integrate them into business solutions that your entire organization can be ready to use.

Try SNH Data Services for free.

Seriously, for free. No costs whatsoever.

Consult with SNH Data Services to test a small project for free to see how it all works. You'll receive:

  • Up to one hour of pre-project consultation to discuss the purpose of the project, identify the expected deliverables, and discuss the scope of the project.

  • Up to five hours of project work. (A lot can get done in five hours.)

  • A one-hour post-project debriefing to review the deliverables and provide training on how to make use of the deliverables.

E-mail regis@snhdata.com to get started!