

Bitcoin-Alpha, Bitcoin-OTC, WikiRfA, Epinions: https://snap.stanford.edu/data

Slahsdot: https://www.aminer.cn/data-sna

Parameter Settings

Dimensionality of embedding = 128

  • SNE [PAKDD'17]

    • Learning rate = 0.025

    • Number of samples to train = 10 Million

    • Window size = 2

    • Maximum length of random walk path = 40

    • Number of random walks starting at each node = 20

  • SiNE [SDM'18]

    • Learning rate = 0.5

    • L1 regularization = 0.001

    • L2 regularization = 0.0001

  • SIDE [WWW'18]

    • Learning rate = 0.025

    • Window size = 5

    • Maximum length of random walk path = 40

    • Number of random walks starting at each node = 80

  • BESIDE [CIKM'18]

    • Learning rate = 0.01

    • Regularization = 0.0001

  • SGCN [ICDM'18]

    • Learning rate = 0.5

    • Number of layers = 2

    • Loss2 regularization = 5

  • SLF [KDD'19]

    • Learning rate = 0.025

    • Sample size of the null relationships = 10 (for Bitcoin-OTC, Epinions), 20 (for Bitcoin-Alpha, WikiRfA, Slashdot)

    • Initialization parameter for the logistic activation function (i.e., p0) = 0.001

  • node2vec [KDD'16]

    • Number of random walks starting at each node = 10

    • Maximum length of random walk path = 80

    • Window size = 10

  • GraphGAN [AAAI'18]

    • Learning rate = 0.003

    • L2 regularization = 0.00005

    • Window size = 2

    • Number of samples for generator = 20

Experimental Results

RQ1: Are signed NE methods consistently more effective in various types of tasks than unsigned NE methods?

NOTE: In Epinions, the accuracies of GraphGAN and SGCN could not be obtained; they have not finished their training in a week.

RQ2: In the signed NE methods, does the utilization of negative links help provide higher accuracy in various tasks?

NOTE: In Epinions, the accuracies of SGCN_ALL and SGCN_P could not be obtained; they have not finished their training in a week.

Other Results
