Snapseed For PC - Free Windows Download

Have you ever wanted to download Snapseed For PC? Of course you have, otherwise why would you be here :)

Well, today is your lucky day as we have just released our free to download, Windows version of Snapseed

How to download and use Snapseed PC

Downloading and using Snapseed on PC could not be any easier. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, click on the download button above

  2. Download the ZIP file that contains the app

  3. Extract the ZIP file to a folder (you can just extract it to your desktop to make things easier)

  4. Double click on the installer

  5. Wait for the installer to finish

  6. Launch Snapseed from the newly created icon on your desktop, or Windows start menu

  7. Enjoy

What is Snapseed?

Snapseed is a free image editing app for Android and iOS. In addition to numerous filters, Snapseed also masters the solid tools of image processing.

If you take pictures with your smartphone, it is of course convenient to edit your pictures on your smartphone. Of course, countless apps are available for this. After trying some apps, I finally landed at Snapseed. Admittedly, I edit most of my smartphone images with Lightroom Mobile these days, but Snapseed is still the best free app for editing images on your smartphone.

What excites me about Snapseed is on the one hand the intuitive user interface. On the other hand, I find the functionality for an app really very good.

Of course, you can't compare Snapseed to desktop software such as Adobe Photoshop. I would also find such a comparison rather nonsensical. For fast image processing in between, Snapseed is always enough and the results are impressive.

You can find out in this article what you can do with Snapseed and where the developers should improve.

Ok - now I would like to introduce you to Snapseed:

As I mentioned earlier, the user interface is very intuitive. Individual parameters within a function can be selected with a vertical swipe gesture. The intensity of a parameter can be adjusted by means of a horizontal swipe gesture.

A histogram appears on the bottom side, which can also be hidden as needed. The main functions can be divided into two categories: Looks and Tools.

The "looks" in Snapseed are in something like "pre-sets" in Adobe Lightroom or Skylum Luminar. Here you can use predefined looks or save your own looks. Above all, I use my own looks to speed up my image processing workflow on my smartphone.

You can create your own looks by editing an image using the "Tools" (I'll be there for that) and then saving the editing steps as a look.

The "tools" are the basics or standard tools for image processing. Here the image can be cropped, aligned, sharpened, etc. Even a perspective correction to straighten "falling lines" is possible with the "Transform" tool! A great thing.

The most important tool is certainly "fine-tuning". Brightness, saturation, contrast, shadows, lights and image heat can be influenced here.

There are also some filters within the tools. In the case of filters,"HDR-Scape" provides regular WOW moments. But don't overdo it and stick to an intensity of less than 30%. Otherwise, there are quickly unsightly image noise and artifacts.

The filter "Drama" is certainly very suitable for one or the other achitecture recording very well – the microcontrasts are strongly highlighted. With "Retrolux" and "Vintage", two filters with extensive settings are available for all retro fans.

The "Glamour-Glow" filter softens the image while increasing the contrasts – thus embellish one or the other portrait. But landscapes also often benefit from a softer look.

In addition, the filters "Focus Effect", "Grunge", "Black and White", "GrainY Film", "Tonal-Contrast", "Noir" and "Frame" are available.

A before-and-after preview is possible at any time within the tools or in the main view.

In the main view, the filters applied to the image are superimposed on top of each other like layers. This can also be faded/hidden, deleted or even adjusted afterwards. Very horny!

Sounds good. Is it. I can quietly remove the question mark in my headline. Snapseed is (currently) certainly one of the best image editing apps on your smartphone or tablet.

But of course Snapseed For PC is not perfect. Some features are missing.