Dominik Mischkowski,


Lab director

Dr. Dominik Mischkowski is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and director of the SNaP lab. His research field is studying the intersection between physical pain and social affect and behavior (empathy, aggression) through a multi-method approach, relying on social pharmacological intervention, psychophysiology, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

Ehda Gharavi,


Graduate Student

Ehda Gharavi is a second-year Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Originally from Iran, he obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in psychology there. His research interests focus on the psychophysiology of pain and psychopharmacology, exploring the influence of psychosocial factors on pain and analgesics. Currently, he is studying how psychosocial factors can influence the effectiveness of painkillers. 

Qi Deng,


Graduate student

Qi Deng is a researcher from China, where she earned her B.A. in Foreign Language at Southeast University. Subsequently, she pursued her academic journey in Japan, obtaining an M.A. in Clinical Psychology and engaging in a year and a half of doctoral studies in the same field at Tohoku University. Her research is centered around investigating the potential emotional, psychosocial, and physiological advantages stemming from social connections, with a particular emphasis on exploring the impact of prosocial behavior or acts of kindness.

Malee Powell,


Graduate Student

Malee's research interests grew from her time as a medical massage therapist. She is interested in social factors that influence the persistence and progression of chronic pain, pediatric and adolescent pain, social neuroscience, healthcare equity, psychopharmacology, and the various intersections of those topics.

Department of Psychology