Application Guide

SMS Rules Application Guide

This application should be set as the default SMS app to work properly.

The Application has the following main functions:

Receive/Send SMS

Similar to other SMS messaging applications, with this application you can send and receive SMS and MMS messages. You can send to multiple phone numbers in one message. Swipe left to delete a specific chat and all its messages. A chat can be un-deleted within 3.5 seconds. While inside a chat, do a long press on a message to copy or delete it.

In addition, you can set rules to handle SMS messages received from specific sender or has certain text.

The rules will manage the notifications and can also perform many other actions if the SMS matches the set criteria. Sound alerts are generated using the phone media player. Use Disable/Enable Rules Processing on the main menu drawer of this application to control all rules' alerts. You can also build a rule with empty sender and a message text with the regular expression $.+ to generate an alert for any incoming message (similar to default phone notification behaviour).

SMS Alert Rules Application Menu

Add New Rule

Add a rule that captures the wanted SMS message and performs selected actions (generate customized alert using vibration or sound, forward to other mobile(s), delete). In the Add New Rule screen, specify or select the sender information which can be a mobile phone number or an SMS sender name (case insensitive). Type the word or phrase (case insensitive) you want to capture in the SMS body. You can, also, use regular expression for more precise match to SMS message text. Just start your wanted phrase (longer than 2 characters) with $ before the regular expression (See below Regular Expression Examples. For more information on how to build regular expressions, visit Please note that if you start your phrase with $$, it will be interpreted as a single $ and the following text will be handled as normal phrase and not a regular expression. The next step is to choose the actions.

Add the rule by touching ADD RULE button. The application will then display the List Rules screen which will have the new added rule.

Regular Expression Examples

$^Acknowledge.*(\n)*.*HighUtilization.* will match a message that starts with Acknowledge followed by any text then zero or more occurrences of new lines then any text then the word HighUtilization then any text.

$^(?!Acknowledge).*(\n)*.*HighUtilization.* will match a message that does not start with Acknowledge followed by any text then zero or more occurrences of new lines then any text then the word HighUtilization then any text.

List of Rule Actions:

· Vibrate: The mobile will vibrate for a duration that you can set from 1 to 90 seconds.

· Play Alert sound: The mobile will play a sound mp3 sound file for a value that you can set from 1 to 90 times. You can choose one of the built-in sounds or add a new sound from the main menu option to Add Alert Sound.

· Forward SMS to other mobile numbers: The SMS will be forwarded to the mobile or mobile numbers that you define. Please use semi-colon “; “ as a separator if you list more than one mobile and do not insert spaces. You can also specify a prefix for the forwarded SMS.

· Forward SMS to email address: The SMS will be forwarded to the email or email addresses that you define. When this option is selected a window requesting the information of the sender email account information. Please enter your email account and password information. The password will be encrypted and saved in your device only. This account will be used for sending the SMS messages to emails. The mobile should also have data (internet) connection when it runs this rule.

You can use your hotmail, live, outlook or gmail account. For gmail, please apply the following settings to your gmail account.

Go to your gmail account setting and set the two following options.

2-Step Verification is set to OFF

Less secure app access is set to ON

Please use semi-colon “;” as a separator if you list more than one email address and do not insert spaces. You can also specify a subject other than the default SMSRules FW: SMS from for the forwarded email.

· Rules Processing Order: The rules are applied on the SMS sequentially starting from the newest one (created earlier). The first matching rule will have its actions performed. The process will then stop. This will avoid conflict between rules actions. Please arrange the rules in a way that makes the more specific rule listed first (top) and the more general one on bottom. You can change the order of the rules in List/Modify Rules screen by drag and drop.

· Delete: The SMS will be deleted permanently.

· Move: The SMS will be moved under a new name (folder style).

List/Modify Rules

List, delete or modify any rule. In List Rules screen, you can delete the listed rule by swiping it (left or right). To modify the rule, click on it. Rules are applied in the displayed order (top first).

Use drag and drop to change the order of the rules.

Add Alert Sound

Add/import an MP3 Media file to SMS Rules application.

Please choose the directory then select your media file.

The file will be copied to the application if it is a valid .mp3 media file with duration greater than 0.1 second. After adding, the new sound will be available in rules add/modify sounds' list.

Delete Alert Sound

Delete an alert sound and its Media file from SMS Rules application. Please make sure that all references to the specified alert sound is removed from all the rules before deletion.

Export Rules to file

Export all added rules in the application to a CSV file. This file can be used to import these rules to SMS Rules application on any device.

Please select the directory where you want to save the file. File will be named as SMSRules.csv

Import Rules from file

Import a list of rules from a CSV file.

It is an easy way to add multiple rules. Each rule should be on a separate line and the

rule fields should be comma (,) separated. If you have already added some rules in the

application, please export them to a file before importing as for recovery if needed.

Disable/Enable Rules Processing

This switch deactivates/reactivate rules processing. It can be used to stop all alerts if needed. Please keep this switch on to enable the application. When the switch is off, rules can be added or modified, but no alerts will be generated.


Close the application. After adding the rules, you can exit. The application will be triggered automatically when the rules apply to the incoming SMS message.\n