Family Resources
Find how-to videos and tips for accessing online tools to support your student with Distance Learning.
Mire este video para ver cómo progresa su estudiante en iReady. Vea sus lecciones asignadas por el maestro, así como sus lecciones personalizadas de My Path. Puede realizar un seguimiento de la cantidad de minutos que completan cada semana y ver los puntajes de sus lecciones. Recuerde, esperamos al menos 45 minutos en cada área de contenido y puntajes de aprobación del 70% o más!
Cómo monitorear el progreso de iReady de su estudiante
Las lecciones de lectura y matemáticas de iReady se asignan cada semana (45 minutos como mínimo cada una)
How to monitor your student's iReady Progress
iReady Reading and Math lessons are assigned each week (45 minutes minimum each)
Watch this video to see how your child is progressing in iReady. View their teacher assigned lessons as well as their personalized My Path lessons. You can track how many minutes they are completing each week and view their lesson scores. Remember, we are hoping for at least 45 minutes in each content area and passing scores of 70% or higher!
How to get more out of Parent Square
Personalize Parent Square to meet your needs.
Check out a full list of tutorials HERE.
Cómo sacar más provecho de Parent Square
Personalice Parent Square para satisfacer sus necesidades.
Check out the MPUSD Family Portal
Didn't find what you are looking for on this page? Don't forget that MPUSD has put together a ton of great family resources to help you through this time. Click HERE to go to the MPUSD Family Portal.