This property contains a brief description of the error if one is available or has been set. The message property combined with the name property is used by the Error.prototype.toString() method to create a string representation of the Error.

*Note: For some people who create a new account on X, your account settings may already be set to receive message requests from other people you don't follow. These requests are kept separate from your other DMs until you accept them. You can accept the request to continue the conversation. To disable message requests, go to your Settings.

Sms Message


Navigate to your DMs and tap or click on the search bar. From there, type in keywords and names of the conversations you're looking for and messages, groups, and people with those keywords or names will populate. To go directly to the message, tap or click on the search result.

You can receive messages from anyone if you check the box next to Allow Messages requests from everyone in your Privacy and safety settings on You can also adjust this setting via the X for iOS or X for Android apps. If you enable this option, anyone can message you and add you to group conversations.

Note: Disabling the Receive messages from anyone setting will not prevent you from continuing to receive Direct Messages from someone you don't follow if you have a prior conversation already established with that person. You will need to either report the conversation or block the account to stop receiving Direct Messages from that person.

Deleting the message will remove it from your inbox. Note: Deleting a message will not prevent that account from sending you messages in the future. You will always have the option to block the account or report the conversation. Blocked accounts cannot send you messages, unless you unblock them.

Additionally, by default, we filter lower-quality requests from the Requests section of your inbox for the X for iOS and Android app. When enabled, the quality filter for message requests hides conversation requests we think may be lower quality. You will not receive notifications for filtered requests, but these messages will still be viewable behind the low quality filter that exists at the bottom of the Requests section of your inbox.

Note: If you have the Allow message requests from everyone setting enabled under the Direct Messages section of your Privacy and safety settings, it is possible to disable and enable the quality filter from your privacy settings. This feature is only available currently on iOS and Android devices.

The Message module is the core of the message stack. It enables logging and displaying system events in a number of different use cases. Events that are recorded over time are sometimes call activity streams. Exportable messages subtypes can be created for different use cases with custom fields and display (view) modes.

This message does not indicate a safety issue. Your battery can still be used. However, you may be experiencing more noticeable battery and performance issues. A new replacement battery will improve your experience. More about service options.

The maximum total number of recipients included in the toRecipients, ccRecipients, and bccRecipients properties for a single email message sent from an Exchange Online mailbox is 500. For more information, see sending limits.

Let me begin by saying that I love what the Intel Unison product enables me to do !! For years I've wanted to be able to connect my iPhone to my PC so that I could send / receive messages. I've been using Unison for several weeks with the Messages layout as shown in the User Guide _Unison_UserGuide.pdf.

However, today I no longer have access to that layout and instead receive a popup from the bottom of the screen. From there I can select a contact or enter in a phone number and send a message. But then any past messages and my replies are removed from view. When I receive a message, I have to go to the Notifications area to look at it; once I have that too is removed from view.

I thought I broke something, and spent a good bit of time this morning re-pairing, repairing, reinstalling, etc, trying to get messages to work again. But after seeing the Windows Store recent reviews, and then this thread, it seems like this was due to a software update.... Please Intel, tell us it was an accidental regression? The message history, interaction functionality was the only really novel functionality of this app; everything else it does you can do other ways. but the interaction capability with messages is what makes everyone want to have this!

Glad to know I'm not the only one! Crazy to have this broken for as many days as it has been. And @intel if you are going to add features, how about allowing for messages with multiple participants to show up as such, instead of displaying each participants responses separately?

Having same Problem. I just upgraded from Windows-10 to 11 Yesterday, specifically for this one Option: To send & receive Text messages from my new iPhone on my PC. Had I known Intel would stop supporting it, I would not have upgraded to W-11 yet & I would NOT have DL the Intel APP. (I have used (Messages for Web) for years with my Android. That is what I miss the most after switching to iPhone. )

A message is a discrete unit of communication intended by the source for consumption by some recipient or group of recipients. A message may be delivered by various means, including courier, telegraphy, carrier pigeon and electronic bus.A message can be the content of a broadcast. An interactiveexchange of messages forms a conversation.[1]

The phrase "send a message" or "sending a message" is also used for actions taken by a party to convey that party's attitude towards a certain thing. For example, a government that executes people who commit acts of treason is sending a message that treason will not be tolerated.[2] Conversely, a party that appears through its actions to endorse something that it opposes can be said to be "sending the wrong message",[2] while one which appears to simultaneously endorse contradictory things can be said to be sending "mixed messages".[3]

There are two main senses of the word "message" in computing: messages between the human users of computer systems that are delivered by those computer systems, and messages passed between programs or between components of a single program, for their purposes.

Safety and privacy concerns have been expressed in the computer science industry regarding messages. There have been cases where instant messaging apps were found to present a risk of spyware infection.[4] Text messaging is one of the larger causes of distracted driving, and the act of texting and driving has been made illegal in many states as a result.[5]

The channel property is the ID of the channel, private group or DM channelthis message is posted in. The user property is the ID of the user speaking,the text property is the text spoken, and ts is the unique (per-channel)timestamp.

If the message has been edited after posting it will include an editedproperty, including the user ID of the editor, and the timestamp the edithappened. The original text of the message is not available. For example:

Some subtypes have a special hidden property. These indicate messages thatare part of the history of a channel but should not be displayed to users.Examples include records of message edits or deletes:

The reactions property, if present, contains any reactions that have been added to the message and gives information about the type of reaction, the total number of users who added that reaction and a (possibly incomplete) list of users who have added that reaction to the message. The users array in the reactions property might not always contain all users that have reacted (we limit it to X users, and X might change), however count will always represent the count of all users who made that reaction (i.e. it may be greater than users.length). If the authenticated user has a given reaction then they are guaranteed to appear in the users array, regardless of whether count is greater than users.length or not.

An email message consists of headers and a payload. Headers must beRFC 5322 style names and values, where the field name and value areseparated by a colon. The colon is not part of either the field name or thefield value. The payload may be a simple text message, or a binary object, ora structured sequence of sub-messages each with their own set of headers andtheir own payload. The latter type of payload is indicated by the messagehaving a MIME type such as multipart/* ormessage/rfc822.

The conceptual model provided by a Message object is that of anordered dictionary of headers with additional methods for accessing bothspecialized information from the headers, for accessing the payload, forgenerating a serialized version of the message, and for recursively walkingover the object tree. Note that duplicate headers are supported but specialmethods must be used to access them.

If policy is specified (it must be an instance of a policyclass) use the rules it specifies to update and serialize the representationof the message. If policy is not set, use the compat32 policy, which maintains backward compatibility withthe Python 3.2 version of the email package. For more information see thepolicy documentation.

Return the entire message flattened as a string. When optional unixfromis true, the envelope header is included in the returned string.unixfrom defaults to False. For backward compatibility reasons,maxheaderlen defaults to 0, so if you want a different value youmust override it explicitly (the value specified for max_line_length inthe policy will be ignored by this method). The policy argument may beused to override the default policy obtained from the message instance.This can be used to control some of the formatting produced by themethod, since the specified policy will be passed to the Generator. ff782bc1db

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