SMoG - India


Gridded emissions data:

Sectoral monthly emissions have been estimated for:

  • BC
  • OC
  • PM2.5
  • SO2
  • NOx
  • NMVOCs
  • CO
  • Mineral matter

The data is spatially resolved into 0.25 deg x 0.25 deg. It is available in "ASCII" format as text files along with the "README" describing the details of the emission.

SMoG-India V0, which was used in GBD-MAPS India 2018 and Venkataraman et al., 2018 is now superseded by SMoG-India V1.

2015 emissions files can be downloaded from:- SMoG-India V1

(Emissions from 2005-2015 - "Available upon request")


1. Sadavarte, P. and Venkataraman, C. (2014). “Trends in Multi-Pollutant Emissions from a Technology-Linked Inventory for India: I. Industry and Transport Sectors.” Atmospheric Environment 99: 353–64.

2. Pandey, A., Sadavarte, P., Rao, A. B., & Venkataraman, C. (2014). "Trends in multi-pollutant emissions from a technology-linked inventory for India: II. Residential, agricultural and informal industry sectors." Atmospheric Environment, 99, 341-352.

3. GBD MAPS Working Group. 2018. Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution

Sources in India. Special Report 21. Boston, MA:Health Effects Institute. ( )

4. Venkataraman, C., Brauer, M., Tibrewal, K., Sadavarte, P., Ma, Q., Cohen, A., Chaliyakunnel, S., Frostad, J., Klimont, Z., Martin, R.V. and Millet, D.B. (2018). "Source influence on emission pathways and ambient PM2. 5 pollution over India (2015–2050)". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 8017–8039.

For further details or data, contact:

Chandra Venkataraman

Institute Chair Professor of Chemical Engineering

Convener, Climate Studies Programme

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Powai, Mumbai - 400076, INDIA

Phone: +91-22-2576-7224 FAX:+91-22-2572-6895



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