Tips & Hacks

Social Media Optimization is a media catalyst for promoting your business online, not only in USA but everywhere else. Marketing on the internet through different sites is becoming increasingly popular today, especially through Facebook, Instagram and twitter.

According to a rough estimate, there are around 500 million Facebook users. So using this platform you can actually create a buzz, no more less than the one which the Larry bird of Twitter can create. Creating a good profile, username and a catchy bio on these sites has to be the first step in setting up. There are actually some sites that tell you what the frequency of your posts on these media platforms be, for example, they say that if you effectively want to promote your business on Facebook you need to keep posting 3-10 times a week, and of course letting your page die out is out of question. Effective use of these platforms can surely direct traffic to your site.


Like here, they have analyzed the best time to post on Facebook, throughout the day. The one hard truth that needs to be accepted is that people don't come to look out for advertisements, so how do actually get them?

By regularly posting, even pictures. Say, if you have an apparel company, you can campaign by tagging people, or having contests, by providing discounts if they tag you or share your post. For example, you can include a call to action button, like asking them to share if they agree / like your post. These are psychological nudges to get them like and share your posts.


The comparative study between Instagram and Facebook show more positive results when it comes to engagements, than Facebook. Instagram users are increasing every day. It’s a good place to promote one's business. One can use hashtags, lure people by giving them offers if they promote your posts, example, driving them by asking them to double tap, tag two friends, and share the comments, you can regularly keep posting stories, use witty captions on pictures, campaign by putting up contests, you can also include important links in your bio. Instagram is very good for posting pictures so one can use good filters and post different types of images for example, banner images, etc. You can make Instagram ads and also cross promote your business on other sites.


In this picture, we can see after what frequency of tweeting do the engagements decrease. Twitter moves really fast, so you may need to retweet the same thing or tweet the same thing multiple times, maybe after a week or so. The most trending thing is the hashtag. You need to use it as much as possible. It also helps people to reach your post faster. The good thing is that the character limit in Twitter has been doubled, aiding you to include more stuff. Connecting with people is very important. You should answer and ask questions always as it gives a sense of credibility, may help in promoting brand loyalty. Be the first one to break the news on some topic, give offers and discounts. Another vital thing is to have a catchy profile and bio, one can also include an important link in it.

All these sites can do wonders for marketing and expanding your business. You can reach a bigger audience and stand out from your competitors in the market. Although one needs to be constantly on heels, and aware because these sites can also be a bane as much as they are a boon to us. A general tip for all your picture posts would be, to prioritise colours like blues, greys and greens, because psychologically they signify trust, and studies say people are more likely to rely on them.

A calculated exposure on social media platforms can give one substantial results, but the challenge is of finding the right experts and companies who can guide you. We, at AdUniverse360, provide solutions to SMO services in USA. We use our years of winning expertise to bring forth to you the right package of SMO tools and solutions after patiently understanding your requirements.

We rightly believe in Neil Patel’s saying:

"Don't make excuses. Make improvements"

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