#01 Rob Hayden, Jr.

Location:  Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Car Make / Model: 2014 Dodge Charger

Stadium Truck Make / Model: RAM 1500

Team Name: BGSR - Backyard Garage Sim Racing

Racing Online Since: 1999

Favorite NR2003 Track(s): Road Courses / Dirt

Favorite SMO Series: Cup, JETS, Stadium Trucks

SMO Member Since: 2019

Employment: Self-Employed

Misc: My Father raced back in the late 40's,early 50's on Dirt Tracks and one of the first to get an OFFICIAL NASCAR License to race when it was sanctioned in the 50's. He Knew Fireball Roberts, the Petty's, Junior Johnson Family, Alvin Rudd Family and many other racers from that era. He never pursued the career & I QUOTE "I stopped racing because of tracks being paved.I love the Dirt and that's where you can swing it around.It was also because of my children and racing wasn't a stable form of income at the time"...Right before he passed away at 90 in 2012. A Great Racer & Man, One I can only dream to be.... Love ya DAD ! 

Rob's father

#01 Backyard Garage Sim Racing Dodge

#01 Backyard Garage Sim Racing RAM 1500