#19 Chris Akin

Location: North Carolina

From: Middletown, Delaware

Car Make / Model: 2013 Dodge Charger

Stadium Truck Make / Model: 1995 Dodge Ram

Team Name: Atlantic Racing World, Inc.

Racing Online Since: 2002 in Sierra servers

Favorite Track: Dover and mostly all short tracks

SMO Member Since: 2018

Misc: Founded Atlantic Racing World, Inc. in 2004. Has always held the title of owner / driver and has never raced for another team since.

In my first season of online league racing, I won two of the 15 races along with the season championship.

415 online wins, 50+ championships (as of 06/08/2024)

SMO Admin since 2020

Active member of various Papyrus N4, NR2002, NR2003 forums, sites and communities since November 2001. Started off at the old nascarnet.com

After getting a computer in 1997, N2 was the first racing game I got and over the years I've played all the Papyrus sims. N4 is my all time favorite. 

Hobbies: NR2003, Listening to obscure 80's heavy metal, managing this website, designing paint schemes

Atlantic Racing World, Inc. logo, designed by Chris in 2004 and still in use to this day.

#19 Atlantic Racing World, Inc. 20th Anniversary Dodge Charger

#19 SMO Gaming Simulations 20th Anniversary Dodge Charger

#19 Josh's Eggs Dodge Charger

#19 Strickland Propane Dodge Ram