Smith's Advanced Chemistry

This class website is a work in progress. I am slowly updating the format of all of the course content. Please let me know if there are any typos or errors in the site or the worksheets that you notice!

This website is intended for educational purposes only for Ms. Smith's chemistry students. When textbook questions or materials are used, I will make every effort to cite which book it is from. If the worksheets say "your textbook" that is currently referring to the 11th edition of Chang and Goldsby's Chemistry (a.k.a. the blue one).

For Future Students:

This section of the website will archive all of the lessons for each unit of study. Videos and links to lab handouts will be embedded within the appropriate unit plan.

Lecture Videos

This section is under construction. See the topics to find the most current content.

Laboratory work in advanced chemistry courses is extremely helpful for students to build physical skills and mental models. Labs are broken down into demonstrations, skills labs, and inquiry labs.

About Smith


B.S. Chemistry, University of California Santa Barbara

M.A. Science Education, California State University Northridge

Extra Work Responsibilities

Technology Coordinator

Professional Development Team

HDTA Union 2nd Vice President

Courses Currently Teaching

AP Chemistry

AP Physics 1

Since I started teaching in 2012, I have had many different experiences as a science teacher. I've taught every level of chemistry and physics course offered at my district. I've also served as a science department chair, professional development coach, been apart of curriculum development committees, and I've attended many different conferences to better my knowledge of content and teaching practices. The experience that I am most proud of is the Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors program, which gave me the opportunity to learn astronomy and to ride along on two NASA missions onboard SOFIA. I enjoy pursuing these extra science and engineering experiences to be able to bring that nerdy excitement back into the classroom.