Presentations & Webinars

Invited Talks and Interviews

An interview with SEG's Podcast

Society of Economic Geologists

Episode 36: Two Facets of Diamonds

Deep Carbon Observatory 2019

5 minute invited "Lightning Talk" 

Large gem-quality super-deep diamonds provide snapshots of deep Earth processes 

U. of Calgary - Gallagher Colloquium 2021

Ore Deposits Hub 2020

Vancouver Kimberlite Cluster 2019

GIA Knowledge Session Webinars

The Story of Natural Diamonds

Diamond Cutting & Polishing Technology

Diamond Exploration & Mining

Rough Diamonds: Natural Crystal Shapes and Surface Features 

Understanding the Origin of Natural Diamonds

A Look at Kimberlites: The Volcanoes that Carry Diamonds

Identifying Mineral Inclusions in Diamonds

Minerals Discovered and Named at GIA (including Crowningshieldite)

Other recorded seminars

JCK Trade Show 2017

The Unexpected Origins of Big Diamonds

GIA International Symposium 2018

The Formation of Type IIa and IIb Diamonds