Smite Lore

God of the Sky

God of Fire

Horrific God of Decay

God of the Dead

Dragon King of the Eastern Seas

Goddess of Beauty

Witch of the Woods

God of Life and Death

Faerie of the Moon

Keeper of Time

Goddess of Strife

Goddess of the Hunt

Goddess of the Moon

God of Bees

Slayer of Enemies

God of Music

Goddess of the Hunt

Hero of Hawai‘i

The Horned God

Lord of Darkness

The Great Teacher

God of Love

The Legendary Tanuki

Lord of the Eight Banners

The Vigilant

Defender of the Earth

Matron of the Dead

The Oathkeeper

The Gorgon

Weaver of Fate

Seventh Avatar of Vishnu

Goddess of Winter

The Glorious One

Hidden Jaguar Sun

The Ceaseless Whirlpool

Goddess of Love and War

Hero of the Trojan War

The Shining Light

Goddess of War

God of Rain

Hound of Ulster

The Illustrious Sage

King Of Uruk

Saint of War

Champion of Rome

The Rightful Heir

Wielder of Excalibur

The Ascendant Warrior

Goddess of Victory

The Allfather

Broken God of the Afterlife

The Monkey King

The Lawgiver

The Destroyer

Goddess of Magic

Queen of the Valkyries

God of Fire

King of the Underworld

God of the Yellow River

Goddess of the Underworld

Queen of the Gods

God of Portals and Transitions

Serpent of the Nine Winds

The Master Wizard

The Dark Enchantress

Goddess of Night

Ruler of the Heavens

Queen of the Underworld

God of the Oceans

Sun God

Master of Thunder

Horror of the Sea

Sun God

Phantom Queen

Arbiter of the Damned

Goddess of the Salt Sea

Smith of the Gods

The Demon Queller

The Weaver

The Great Devourer

Goddess of Cats

Deadly God of Bats

The Nine-Tailed Fox

The Unbound

The Howler Monkey God

Goddess of Destruction

The Trickster God

Messenger of the Gods

Goddess of Destruction

Goddess of Vengeance

Goddess of Volcanoes

The Sly Messenger

Demon King of Lanka

Goddess of Volcanoes

The Usurper

God of the Summer Storm

Hand of Death

God of Thunder

God of the Moon

Queen of the Banshees

First Knight of the Round Table

Titan of the Cosmos

God of War

The Bear Goddess

Goddess of Wisdom

God of Wine

Destroyer of Mountains

Warden of the Underworld

The Great Dreamer

The Lord of Glittering Gold

God of Success

God of Earth

The World Serpent

The Dawn Bringer

The Sleeping Giant

King Kappa

God of the Nile

Keeper of the Wild

The Earth Mother

The Relentless

Goddess of Rivers

Father of the Frost Giants

How to Build in Smite ?

Each god will have a different build depending on their role. Below is how to build items for each god that Zathong suggests to you. This is a build from personal opinions and hope to receive your comments.

Smite Zathong build: