SMILES integrates mindfulness & positive psychology based short and easy techniques in lesson plan for inculcating life-skills like resilience, empathy, discernment & will-power. These tools also improve concentration & recall power resulting in better academic and cognitive outcomes. We bring out the inherent creativity in teachers and students for better motivation & passion for learning.

Why SMILES in Education? 

We believe every classroom should deliver real life skills integrated education in a joyful and passionate environment where no child feels afraid, apathetic or ashamed. This requires that teachers are themselves empowered with such life-skills and well being tools in a stress free learning ecosystem which continuously motivates & supports them.

Our mission is to help teachers transform their classroom into a recharging station for motivation and mutual well-being along with their students resulting in joyful learning

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Impacted students and teachers:

* Between July 2017- Feb 2019, SMILES in Education has impacted 4 low income schools in India impacting ~ 4500 students & 160 teachers.

* Since April 2019, SMILES has been integrated in the curriculum of Talking Tree Hill School in Auckland, New Zealand impacting ~ 500 students and their teachers.

* Besides, some teachers and students have been trained and using SMILES in countries like USA, Finland and Spain.

The Problem: Our education system is not preparing us for what we need and expect in real life. We are still focused on age old criteria for academic excellence and competing against each other. Teaching is being done in silos without direct correlation to what skills and mindsets children need in real life. Instead of using technology to their advantage, many teachers and students are using it to replace their own hard work and creativity. Focusing the mind is becoming increasingly difficult both inside and outside the classroom resulting in lack of motivation to learn new skills. Despite increasing social isolation and bullying, there is very little focus on mental and social well being in the classrooms. Relevance of schools and teachers will get eroded if we do not make schools a place of mental, emotional and social learning with full participation of motivated students and full facilitation of motivated teachers.

Our Solution: We have designed S.M.I.L.E.S. (Stress-free Motivating Inquisitive Learning Eco-System), a continuous and comprehensive holistic teacher development and support program which can be sustained long term by local teacher leaders. SMILES creates a stress free, self-sustaining learning community of motivated teachers using mindfulness, positive psychology and yoga techniques integrated with pedagogical skills for excellence in academics and well being of students and teachers.

Mindfulness means being in the present moment and focusing on it. If teacher & students are frequently focusing on the present moment, their attention span improves giving better class control, better concept clarity and active participation resulting in academic excellence.

For Teachers, SMILES generates a positive learning ecosystem that supports their local context based new knowledge and skills in a stress free manner. It motivates them by boosting their self-esteem, helping them utilize their talent and passion in classrooms and giving due recognition and opportunities for growth. It generates curiosity in teachers for learning and exploring new ways of teaching.

Teachers get to see the demonstration of SMILES lesson plan structures which integrate short mindfulness and well-being routines in the classroom. Teachers then conduct these SMILES lesson plan in their own classrooms. We suggest you introduce one new SMILES structure in a week and let students feel the benefits of each on their own.

 See a video of Demo Class for teachers

When teachers start using integrated mindfulness while teaching their students, classroom observations and corrections are done as needed. This is a reinforcement cycle to ensure teachers and students are doing as expected. Any common issues observed can be discussed in next training workshop.

Now its time to expand your SMILES eco-system. SMILES Ambassadors start training other teachers & other schools in the city and even beyond. Slowly it becomes a self-sustaining local ecosystem of collaborative sharing and caring which can be linked to the global SMILES ecosystem eventually.

The smiles and excitement kids show on their faces when they walk onto campus and into my classroom! Life has changed, computers are in high use, but the love for school seems greater than ever before and that feels my heart with love as I am a life-long learner myself!

Now, of course, there IS a fine balance between being real and being that creepy teacher who gets just a little too real. I will never forget that I am the adult. I am the role model, and I am the example of the person I want them to become.

I think I was the third teacher they had that year! I felt they needed to be taught a lesson on effort. Realizing that they would be familiar with the recently released movie Aladdin, I read to them the scene where Genie brought Al into the city amidst all the fanfare and hype.

Tim has been teaching in Langley British Columbia for over 25 years. He is a science teacher, particularly astronomy, which is a course he has developed into a full credit senior science course. In his school, he is known as AstroStephenson. Way back at the beginning of his teaching career, he wrote a book, really to himself, that contained his teaching philosophy. It was a project that would define his career. He is a possibility thinker, a dreamer and a doer, an innovator.

Hey Christine. I am a teacher that is holding a Writing Celebration at my school. Is there any way possible you would be willing to allow me to purchase your TAKE NOTE- You have all the WRITE STUFF tags in editable form? We would love to adapt your cuteness into our table decor at the celebration.

Thanks for the freebie Christine. The design fits your bright and colorful style perfectly. I don't have kids (and no teacher gifts to give) yet, but I will totally adapt this for other uses. You are so right that mini and jumbo sized anythings are adorable.

For over 30 years, the SMILE Program has offered professional development for K-12 educators through workshops held two-three times a year. Lessons and supplies are provided free to each participant covering STEM content based on curricular materials developed by Precollege Programs in collaboration with researchers and partners. This August, PCP will offer the first virtual teacher workshop, sharing more STEM lessons and providing a virtual networking space for teachers to build community and discuss distance learning in their own communities and school districts. The workshop is FREE and open to any K-12 educator.

Our teacher workshop materials and STEM lessons align to the research of OSU faculty and grant partners. Learn more about the STEM research work behind this virtual workshop and professional development. 

In my first year of teaching, I was very young looking. As a high school teacher with no facial hair and weighing in at 160 pounds when wet, parents mistook me for a student. I mean, I looked like Ralph Macchio from the first Karate Kid movie. I remember a college professor telling me that because I look so young, it will be easy for students to take advantage of me, and that I "should not smile until Christmas."

On my first day of teaching ever, I took this advice that I'd heard from that professor and other seasoned teachers and I started off class standing tall and stern at the front of the room. Now on the inside I was bursting with excitement that I was finally starting teaching, but I thought I couldn't let my students know that. I wanted them to take me seriously.

Now I need to mention, being authoritative like this really isn't in my character. And the teachers I loved growing up weren't the ones with a short temper and no grace. So this wasn't easy for me, but I did feel pretty good about how I handled this situation. These kids need to know that I mean business.

And it worked, students really did look forward to coming to my class, and I was getting the reputation as a fun teacher. I'll be honest, I really liked that. I liked that reputation, but always present in the back of my mind was this frustration that students were not taking me seriously. That some weren't getting very much work done, and that I was not using a lot of the wisdom and practices that I had gained in my first 4 years at that other school.

Have a discussion about what respect means, how they should act when the teacher is talking, and how they should act when the other students are talking. Talk about what the consequences for disrespect are. Let them be a part of that discussion, and write down what you and your class come up with. Put it on a poster and have students sign it, agreeing to the expectations of your classroom. That way, when one of those expectations is violated, which will of course happen, a student is disrespectful or the physical classroom space is not being taken care of, you have something to reference back to.

I had a teacher in Middle School who I absolutely idolized. When my parents were going through a divorce, he was one of the only people in my entire life who I could talk to about it. Every single day Mr. Peters would ask how I was doing and listen to me when I needed to be listened to. He was one of the most influential people of my entire childhood.

Dr. Goff provides monetary contributions to almost 30 public and private schools. These financial resources are for teachers to use at their discretion for student enrichment and achievement recognition programs. The number of schools that receive aid continues to grow each year! e24fc04721

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