The sound design and music in this game is absolutely incredible so I decided to make a bunch of ringtones and some notification tones from my favorite songs and sounds. There's also a couple bonuses in there that I had before BotW.


could it be, that the tone is not there if the chatwindow is open.

I have the same, but if I close the window (not the chat) I do get the tone.

That is on several smartphones with different androids.

Smile Notification Tone Download

Download File 🔥 🔥

Hi! Are any changes with the notifications? My Android app informs from time to time. Desktop client is silent. Notifications in web UI are almost not visible, without any sound and pop-up window. Are any ways to improve this situation?..

From the implementation point of view,

first, a unique notification sound byte has to be produced keeping in mind that it grabs the attention of all age groups with appropriate high/ mid sound frequencies. Then the user testing needs to be done in an environment close to where all a normal TG resides and uses the app from - home, office, elevator, etc so that you know that the custom notification sound would steer clear even in such regular surroundings.

Then the sound file would be added in the app build (so the sound file is distributed along with the app) and the code for push notification would be updated to play the custom notification sound locally when an event occurs.

You can also specify emojis based on their name. Type : followed by at least two characters of the word describing the emoji. This opens an emoji autocomplete. Descriptions include skin tone details for people-based emojis, where supported.

Select the Skin tone icon in the top right corner of the emoji picker to specify the skin tone you prefer to use for people-based emojis by default. You can select an alternate skin tone at any time.

The alert tone or beep or notification sound or whatever when you hit max volume or a text comes in or you press play on a song, is really REALLY LOUD AND UNNECESSARY. It is always the same ear-and-mood-shattering loudness, regardless of the volume for the speaker. It has to have a disable option. How do I turn it off?

And you want to be able to easily and quickly tell if any particular notification (phone, SMS, app, System etc.) is from the 'personal' or 'work' part, so that you know how fast you should take action, and whereabouts you need to go to on the phone to do it.

If you want the same tone on each sim, just set it up that way.. Not everyone is you and others want the option. I had a previous device that only used 1 tone and it was a source of many complaints. It affects you none if you want the same tone.

Once again, my example is the same for both ringtone and notification sound. Of which I have 2 different tones on both ringtone and notification..... Why do I do that? So I know which sim it is without even looking at the phone. I can decide by the tone that is going off on whether or not I wish to even look at it. I can also tell where the person is calling from as one is a U.S. Sim and the other a U.K Sim.

Even more fun and expressiveness is here with an expanded selection of over 800 emojis over nine galleries that introduce a wide range of diversity and representation. Select the emoji that fits your mood with a new gallery selector, skin tone selector, and shortcode picker.

The first face every patient sees, and sometimes the first voice they hear, is the one that sets the tone for every visit. Setting a tone that can lead to optimal quality patient care is the job of the PSR or Patient Services Representative.

Greeting every patient with a generous smile and welcomeScheduling appointments and proceduresAnswering questions about insuranceExplaining test proceduresEnsuring accuracy, completion and privacy of medical recordsDemonstrating compassion and patience for all patient concernsEnsuring every patient leaves the clinic informed and comfortedAmanda Walter has served as a PSR for only a year, but she understands that taking that couple of extra minutes to explain procedures to a patient can make all the difference.

To add these ringtone files to your iPhone: Download the .m4r files to your desktop. Then, connect your device to your computer using a lightning-to-USB cable. Open iTunes and drag the .m4r file onto the device you want to add it to under Devices. It will automatically sync the ringtone with your iPhone or iPad. Go to Settings > Sounds & Haptics. Select the alert you'd like to change, and you should see your downloads available to select under Ringtones.

To add these ringtone files on Android: Download the .mp3 file. Go to Settings > Sound > Device ringtone. Tap the Add button to launch the media manager app. If your phone has several file/media manager apps, select Music Player from the pop-up box. You will see a list of music files stored on your phone. Select your JMU ringtone and tap Done.

Every day we communicate with our family, friends, colleagues and even strangers, but only a small percentage of what we communicate during each of these conversations is verbal. Research shows that the vast majority of what we convey through our interactions with others is innate and instinctual, known as nonverbal communication. Nonverbal behavior like body movements and posture, facial expressions, eye contact, hand gestures and tone of voice all contribute to how we communicate and understand each other. Often, we are unaware of our participation in interpersonal, nonverbal communication because these actions are inherent to how we converse as humans and ingrained into our daily lives.

During a video call make sure your cell phone and other distracting devices are silenced and away from your line of sight. Even a single notification can draw your eyes away from the business at hand, making you appear to be distracted and uninterested.

It is readily perceivable to the caller and it sets the tone for the rest of the call. It's been proven that a smile puts the caller at ease. Their mood then matches that of the person who answered the phone for the duration of the call.

I'll preface this by saying I have health anxiety around my DD

She's nearly 5 month old and doesn't laugh. We've had a couple of goofy sounding exhales during smiling but no belly laughs yet. Lots of big smiles, eye contact and babbles etc.

My gp wasn't concerned. HV just told me to make sure I interact with her But I'm worried, all the guides say laughing by 4 months (I know, I know, I shouldn't read them) Any other posters have children of similar age who haven't laughed? Is this a concern?

DD1 smiled at 5 weeks, laughed at about 4 months.

Dd2 I wasn't confident she'd smiled until nearly 6 months, and I can't remember hearing her laugh much below 10 months.

Dd1 grew up to be a serious toddler, and people always commented on dd2's smile and that she's always laughing!

My dd didn't laugh for ages - I can't remember exactly when she started but it was well after 5 months, because I worried about it too from a developmental point of view. She just did a big goofy smile if she found something funny. 

Now a giggly five year old, developmentally she seems to be absolutely fine!

I think those developmental markers can sometimes be a source of anxiety because if there is something your child hasn't done by a certain time it can make you worry, when sometimes it's just a matter of all kids developing in their own way and own time.

Dd was 9months before she got the giggles. She did a noisy smile type thing that sounded like eeehhh but even that was at about 6 months. You now can't stop her getting the giggles and she's had no developmental delays.

My dd1 didn't smile for ages, but she was a miserable whinging baby. She didn't giggle/laugh til she was at least 6 months. But, she was fully crawling pulling herself up at 7mo. So horses for courses,

Do you tickle your dc? Blow raspberries on their tummy? This got dd going in the end.

Am sure my girls were both nearly 6 months before they laughed and it took a lot to make them even giggle a little, usually physical like tickles, blowing raspberries on their tummies rather than peekaboo or silly faces/noises. Now at 5ys and 10months they are both very happy, smiley girls but rarely really laugh. My son however giggled very early and is often in hysterics over nothing! 

Different personalities rather than anything to worry about I think.

My daughter very rarely laughed until she was about ten months old. She smiled a lot but you could not get her to giggle at all! She was so serious. 

My Mother was quite funny about it to me saying she thought she was an unhappy child but in fact she was quite the opposite and always tried to make her laugh but she wasn't having it! ?

Anyway, my daughter is now 19 months and is a very happy, giggly child! 

Like adults, infants have different personalities. My son has never stop laughing but my daughter was just busy taking the world in!

It was very reassuring reading this thread, especially of the people who had serious babies that have grown into "normal" babies!

My 7mo doesn't laugh either. He smiles a lot at me and my husband (not so much with strangers) and when I say certain words in a certain tone, he will let out a "huh" or a "huh huh".

This is spooky as I was searching for very same thing today - my DS is 5 and half months and hasn't really giggled much. I blame myself as I am a bit hopeless at baby play (probably because I'm averaging 3 hrs sleep a night) so must up my game. 

DS is quite smiley though, and often sounds as if he's about to laugh without the actual sound. He's very social and loves looking at people, plus he's ridiculously strong. He's not rolled yet though! e24fc04721

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