This branch is the legacy home in contrib for the quickedit module that lived in Core version 8 and 9, then was removed from Drupal 10. It has no requirements other than Drupal Core 9 and up. It is considered feature complete.

My app has a dashboard with four views. Left most is the date. Others are corresponding data of the selected date. Usually, when a date is chosen, we use quick edit to input data in the dashboard view.

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Hello there @Jim_Ho 

Did you check that you have added all the relevant columns as quick edit-able columns? it's not enough just to check that button, you have to select the quick edit columns as well I believe.

I have a similar problem with the quick edit buttons and the rows selection button, these does not appear the first time I enter a view, I have to go back and re-enter the view in order that the buttons appeared, what can I do?

The quick edit button, which I always use to update bulk prices in my listings, is not active. I also checked previous forums. I cleared browser history, cookies. I logged out and logged back in. Tried different browsers still not working.

its a button on listing manager page. Look over on the right side of the page, it's right under the +add a listing button. It opens some bits of the listings and then you can make some basic edits to a few bits quickly I guess. I don't use it since it's so limited. I much prefer bulk editing if I need to. I'm actually not even sure how one can bulk edit in quick edit mode. Perhaps OP has their terms mixed up.

Yep, that is exactly what I use (quick edit on top right) & (bulk edit top center) to edit listings. I have noticed edits don't always make their full appearance on the public page for awhile though.

@TBQSC : You are correct - there have been reports that price changes made with bulk edit or quick edit do not propagate correctly but if you make the change in the listing itself the other pages (like shop home page) update sooner.

I know actions can be triggered on clicking a row, also by saving a form, etc. I have a table that users will be updating multiple rows using the quick edit function. Once the edit is complete a workflow which creates an email+PDF needs to be sent reflecting the changes. Ideally this action would be triggered when the multirow edits are saved as the last step of the sync. The closest I have gotten is triggering the action manually after editing by using an action button.

Yes, it takes some seconds (and that could be a buzzer), but it triggers on quickedits on detail view.

I did it with a Yes/No field.

When it is Yes, other status field changes without getting out of the detail view.

I don't think the quick edit button in my shop is working, and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong? I go into Shop Manager, Listings but the quick edit button is a light grey colour and when I click on it nothing happens? I can't tell if it's not working or it's me.

Have you made sure you "select listings to edit" by selecting the "Down Arrow"(to the left of Renew) - "Select 40 on this Page" or "Select XXX Listings on all pages" OR just manually "ticking" the Listing you want to edit? You have to have at least one Listing selected for the quick edit options to display.

If you want to disable quick edit mode, you need to call GetConsoleMode to get the current mode. Then clear the bit that enables quick edit, and call SetConsoleMode. Assuming you have the managed prototypes for the unmanaged functions, you would write:

I just happened to stumble over the same problem with quick edit mode enabled in my console application, which is written in C, and has been working under windows 7 32 bit for ages. After porting (well not really porting, but adapting some code lines) it to windows 10 64 Bit (still being a 32 bit application), I observed the same behaviour. So I searched for a solution.

But for a reason unknown to me, the code works the other way round, i.e setting the bit ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE in the mode parameter actually disables quick edit mode. And resetting the bit enables the quick edit mode...???

This tool is capable of undoing and redoing modifications without any kind of limit, as well as displaying, increasing, or decreasing the indentation of lines, scrolling smoothly both vertically and horizontally, and showing or hiding line numbers. In addition, it gives you the option to go directly to the specified line number and search for quick replacement.

Hey guys, in my D9 theme the quick edit buttons are not displayed to any user, no matter which right level that user has. I didn't really care about that feature, but my users and I know it from other Drupal distributions and since it's part of the core modules, why not activate it.

We want to trigger the create-linked-issue dialog from our JIRA plugin: We know how to trigger the quick-edit-issue and the quick-create-issue dialogs. To use these dialogs, we included the following dependencies in our atlassian-plugin.xml:...

When setting up my blog I was able to go to the Post part of the Dashboard and use a brilliant Quick Edit function to quickly do things like add and delete tags. That function is no longer there and I wanted to know if it is gone for everybody or just a problem that I am having.

In a quick edit view, a pencil icon appears in the column heading above each editable field. Two buttons, Save Changes and Cancel Changes, can be added to the table's action bar to make quick edit easier to use with many records; after editing several fields using Next, use the Save Changes button to save, or the Cancel Changes button to roll back all field edits since the last save.

For example, suppose you have two choice fields, Type and Subtype, and Subtype is hierarchically dependent on Type. If you want to use the Subtype field in a quick edit view, Type must also be added to the view.

Conditionally required fields can be added to quick edit views, and the requirement condition is applied regardless of whether the parent field is included in the view. If a conditionally required field meets the requirement condition but does not appear in the view, it is not enforced. This parallels the behavior of conditionally required fields in a record: If the user cannot see a field, it is not required.

Validation actions are not presented to users when quick editing records from a table view. Depending on how the actions were set up, this can prevent record changes if the data entered does not meet a validation requirement.

To do this starts out sounding like the stupidest idea ever, but you want to set show_in_quick_edit to false in your taxonomy. That does what it sounds like, removing the item from the quick edit page. Obviously now I have to add it back.

Newbie here...I opened up DeltaV Operate (Run). I selected the overview graphic and right clicked. I chose quick edit. I edited the color of a couple of rectangle objects saved and closed. I then hit running man to see my work.

No changes were there. I right clicked and went to quick edit. all my changes were there. I went to yellow pages and deleted the graphic I worked on from there. I then reopened operate (run) my changes were still not visible. right clicked to quick edit and all my changes are visible. closed and went to running man ... no changes..........

This is now available with the Form Component Control. It's pretty awesome and have been migrating a lot of my quick view forms. More info at: -us/powerapps/maker/model-driven-apps/form-component-control

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