Join us!

We are always seeking dynamic people of exceptional ability who are passionate about glass science and technology. Particularly, we are excited to support applications for Ph.D. or Postdoc fellowships – if you are interested in discussing this further, please contact Morten ( For example, we have had very good success when supporting Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship applications.

M.Sc. thesis projects

The group offers several 10-months M.Sc. student research projects, starting in September each year. Interested students are encouraged to contact Morten to discuss the projects. Stays abroad with our international collaboration partners may also be possible.

Visiting scholars and students

Visitors are always welcome to the group, with free access to office space and lab facilities. Please get in touch with Morten to hear about the possibilities.


Any current Ph.D. and Postdoc openings will be posted here: