Michael Smedshammer

With more than twenty years of experience teaching, my academic career focuses on using technology to help students reach their goals. I am a certified online faculty trainer and user of learning management systems, including Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle, and my background includes technical communication, desktop publishing, and web design. I am well-versed in Web 2.0 technologies as they relate to education, particularly screen-capture lecture using accessible, streaming video. I am an inclusive educator who is excited about the potential technology has for improving student access and equity.

I have developed and taught faculty online professional development courses, chaired committees, and led hands-on workshops for beginning and advanced technology users to improve course design and help students have positive online learning experiences. I have certified over 500 faculty to teach online.

I began my career in the English Department, which helps me as a communicator and facilitator. I have experience in areas such as Faculty Training, Course Design Theory, Accessibility Training, Mediation Training, Assessment, Learning Outcomes, Committee Leadership, Grant Writing, Technology Workshops, Team Building, Adult Learning Theory, and Learning Communities.