
Guidelines for Flash Presentation for Research Scholars

  • Prepare your presentation using not more than 5 slides (excluding the title and the acknowledgment slides).

  • Do not use any animation in the presentation.

  • Please name your PowerPoint file as “YOURNAME_FP_SMCB2021.pptx”.

  • You must send your presentation file (PowerPoint format only) latest by 21st January to Any delay in receiving your slides will be treated as cancellation of your presentation. Please mention in the email subject “Flash Presentation - SMCB2021”.

  • You will be given 5 minutes to present your work. So, kindly prepare yourself to complete within this timeframe. After the allowed time, your presentation will be removed.

  • This is not a recorded presentation, and you have to present live.

  • Check your device's (mobile/laptop/computer etc.) compatibility with the latest version of ZOOM before attending the symposium.

  • If you are unable to present for any unavoidable circumstances, please let us know at the earliest.

  • A detailed program schedule will be announced in due time. If you have any queries, please write to us.