Seminar Series

For receiving future announcements, please send a request to join the google group by clicking the following link:

Recorded lectures may be accessed from our YouTube channel: Click here!

If you have any question/feedback/suggestions, please feel free to write to us at : smcb2021<at> (replace <at> by @)

Upcoming Event

Date and Time: 25th May, 2024 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)


Talk-1: 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM 

Dr. Debayan Chakraborty, Reader

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Title: Brewing COFFEE: a coarse-grained force field for simulations of DNA-protein complexes

Talk-2: 4:20 PM - 5:00 PM

Dr. Sayantan Mondal, Post-doctoral Fellow

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Harvard University

Title: Liquid-liquid Phase Separation in Cells: Relevance to Intermediate Filament Formation and Membrane Remodeling

Mini-symposium on Physical Chemistry: Interfacing Experiment and Computation

Date and Time: 13th April, 2024 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)


1. Introductory remarks by Prof. Biman Bagchi, India National Science Chair (DST-SERB) & Honorary Professor at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit (SSCU), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

2. Talk-1: Prof. Sobhan Sen, Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Title: Extreme Dynamics in DNA: What We Learned from Time-Resolved Experiments and Simulations?

3. Talk-2: Prof. Ayan Datta, Senior Professor, School of Chemical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata 

Title: Buckling and Defects in Two Dimensional Atomically Thin Monolayers

Mini-symposium on Physical Chemistry in Materials Science

Date and Time: 9th March, 2024 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)


1. Introductory remarks by Prof. Biman Bagchi, India National Science Chair (DST-SERB) & Honorary Professor at the Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit (SSCU), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.

2. Talk-1: Dr. Anshu Pandey, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

Title: Time Resolved Studies of Quantum Dot Emission

3. Talk-2: Prof. Rama Kant, Senior Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi

Title: Art of Battery Making:  Transcending Electrochemical Complexity

Mini-symposium on Physical Chemistry in Medicinal Research

Date and Time: 10th February, 2024 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Schedule of the event:

           Talk title: Physical parameters of venous blood as determinants of several diseases including cancer

           Talk title: Breath Analysis in Disease Detection: A Physical Chemist Way

Talk 22: Prof. Ranjit Biswas, SNBNCBS, Kolkata

Talk Title: Alcohol-Water Binary Azeotropes: Is there a unique dynamical signature?

Date and Time: 25th November, 2023 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Recorded lecture: YouTube link

Talk 21: Prof. Biman Bagchi, IISc, Bangalore

Talk Title: The Surprising Reach of Linear Response Theory: Stokes Law of Hydrodynamics at Molecular Length Scales

Date and Time: 29th July, 2023 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Recorded lecture: YouTube link

Talk 20: Dr. Tarak Karmakar, IIT Delhi

Talk Title: C𝝻MD - A Method for Simulating Concentration-driven Processes under Realistic Thermodynamic Conditions 

Date and Time: 27th May, 2023 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Recorded lecture: YouTube link

Talk 19: Dr. Arnab Bhattacherjee, School of Computational & Integrative Sciences, JNU

Talk Title: Nuclear Traffic and Transport: Rule of Faster Protein Communication on DNA 

Date and Time: 4th March, 2023 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Recorded lecture: YouTube link

Talk 18: Dr. Rajesh K. Murarka, Department of Chemistry, IISER Bhopal

Talk Title: How do G protein-coupled receptors get activated and tune their conformations to preferentially interact with their transducers? Insights from molecular dynamics simulations

Date and Time: 26th November, 2022 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Recorded lecture: YouTube link

Talk 17: Prof. Govardhan Reddy, Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Talk Title: Salt and pH-Induced Transitions in the Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Date and Time: 22nd October, 2022 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Recorded lecture: YouTube link

Talk 16: Prof. Arnab Mukherjee, Department of Chemistry, IISER Pune

Talk Title: On the entropy of water molecules - one at a time 

Date and Time: 17th September, 2022 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Recorded lecture: Click Here!

Prof. Biman Bagchi, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Lecture Series on Time Dependent (Non-Equilibrium) Statistical Mechanics

Lecture 1: 4th June, 2022 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Lecture 2: 16th July, 2022 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Lecture 3: 6th August, 2022 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Lecture 4: 27th August, 2022 (Saturday); 3:30 PM (IST)

Registration link (for Lecture 4): Click Here!

Recorded lecture(s): YouTube

Talk 15: Dr. Subhasish Chaki, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign USA.

Talk Title: Understanding the Activity-Driven Dynamics of Single Colloid and Single Polymer Chain 

Date and Time: 4:30 PM, Feb 19, 2022

Venue: Online platform

Talk 14: Dr. Arijit Roy, TCS Research (Life Sciences Division), Tata Consultancy Services Limited, Hyderabad.

Talk Title: Towards Automated Drug Discovery using Artificial Intelligence 

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, Feb 19, 2022

Venue: Online platform

Talk 13: Dr. Jagannath Mondal, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad (TIFR-H), India.

Talk Title: Computer simulation of Bio-molecular Recognition in Real Time 

Date and Time: 3:45 PM, Jan 8, 2022

Venue: Online platform

Talk 12: Dr. Debdas Dhabal,The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Talk Title: Elucidating the Mechanism of Synthesis of Zeolites using Molecular Simulations 

Date and Time: 3:00 PM, Jan 8, 2022

Venue: Online platform

Talk 11: Dr. Atanu Acharya, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Talk Title: Role of Local Environment in Chemistry and Biochemistry: From Electron Transfer to Viral Binding

Date and Time: 6:30 PM, Dec 4, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Recording of the lecture: Click Here 

Talk 10: Dr. Atreyee Banerjee, MPI for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany

Talk Title: Automated Identification of Collective Variables for Polymorphic systems from Molecular Dynamics Data 

Date and Time: 6:00 PM, Dec 4, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 09: Dr. Biman Jana, IACS Kolkata

Talk Title: Ice binding proteins: molecular mechanism of modulations of ice formation in biological systems 

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, Nov 13, 2021

Recording of the lecture: Click Here 

Talk 08: Dr. Rajib Biswas, IIT Tirupati

Talk Title: Theoretical Modelling of Solute-Correlated Hydration Shell Spectroscopy

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, Oct 9, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 07: Prof. Parbati Biswas, University of Delhi, Delhi

Talk Title: Conformation and Rheology of Ring Polymers in Dilute Solutions

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, Sep 4, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 06: Dr. Suman Chakrabarty, SNBNCBS, Kolkata 

Talk Title: How do proteins talk to each other? A molecular thermodynamic view 

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, Aug 7, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 05: Prof. Ranjit Biswas, SNBNCBS, Kolkata 

Talk Title: Deep Eutectic Solvents: New Excitements in Old Applications 

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, July 3, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 04: Dr. Sarika Maitra Bhattacharyya, NCL Pune 

Talk Title: The elusive connection between structure and dynamics in the supercooled liquids

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, June 5, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 03: Prof. Nisanth N. Nair, IIT Kanpur

Talk Title: Recent Developments of the “Temperature Accelerated Sliced Sampling” (TASS) Method for Efficient Exploration and Computation of High-Dimensional Free Energy Landscapes 

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, May 8, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 02: Prof. Srabani Taraphder, IIT Kharagpur

Talk Title: Computer Simulation Studies on the Unbinding of an Inhibitor from the Active Site of the Enzyme Human Carbonic Anhydrase II

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, April 10, 2021

Venue: Online platform

Talk 01: Prof. Amalendu Chandra, IIT Kanpur

Talk Title: The Process of Water Evaporation

Date and Time: 3:30 PM, March 13, 2021

Venue: Online platform