St. Margarets Bay Breakers
Swim Team
Welcome to the 2023 Summer Swim Season!
To be put on the wait list please email with your swimmer's name, age, and guardian contact information.
 2023 Summer Training Schedule
The 2023 Summer training season will run from June 26th - August 20th.
The Registration fee is $335/swimmer plus $30/family (fundraising fee), plus a $30 Swim NS fee (unless the Swim NS fee was paid earlier this year). New swimmers are welcome. No competitive swimming experience is required. The team ranges in age from 6 - 18. Please contact us at with any questions.
All public health Covid-19 protocols will be followed, as directed by Swim NS. This information will be communicated to swimmers and families. Practice schedules and protocols are subject to change, pending public health regulations.
Financial assistance is possible through Jumpstart. If you live in Chester Municipality, you may be eligible for PRO Kids funding. Please contact Jumpstart or PRO Kids for more info.