Orange County Divorce| Family Law | Free Consultation | low Cost

Top Divorce Attorney in Santa Ana with Office in Irvine.

Are you looking for a divorce attorney in Santa Ana ? When clients come to us for assistance with divorce office matters, we always act quickly and efficiently. When going to deal with family law-related disputes in the Santa Ana area, time has always been of the essence, not only because quick, decisive action is effective, but also because we do our power to support costs to a minimum for you. We understand that our clients expect us to respond to their divorce office inquiries as soon as possible. Another important aspect of our client services is the ethical practice of the law. There will be no unnecessary aspects of your divorce office case in Santa Ana, and we will never charge you for services that are not required.

Divorce Attorney Santa Ana

We are proud to serve all of Santa Ana's family law needs. Santa Ana is the county's capital and has a sizable population. We gladly provide the service that the city's residents require. Select the best Divorce Attorney in Santa Ana.

Divorce can be a difficult subject, but it is important to consider your options and the scenarios that may or may not occur. If you're considering divorce or have already begun the process, chances are you have more questions than answers. These questions range from the necessity of going to court to the necessity of hiring an attorney, as well as how you will survive financially after the divorce. It is perfectly normal and acceptable to have more questions than answers, and that is why we are here.

Although California is one of five states that does not report divorce statistics to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an article in The Orange County Register by David Whiting states that 33 people in Orange County initiate divorce proceedings on average every day. The divorce rate in Orange County is 60%. In 2015, 3.1 people per 1,000 people divorced, while 6.9 people married, according to national statistics. That equates to a divorce rate of around 45 percent, which is 15% lower than the rates in Orange County. Why are so many Orange County residents divorcing? Lack of communication, financial problems, infidelity, and addiction are some of the most common reasons for a marriage to end.

In California, you can file for divorce without having to prove that one of the spouses committed a crime. It is a state that allows for no-fault divorce. To file, simply state the reason as “irreconcilable differences” – in other words, the couple cannot get along. Regardless of the reason, if you know divorce is the best option for you, speak with our divorce attorney in Santa Ana.

We not only understand the law, but we also follow it. We inform our clients about the laws that apply to their facts, advise them on how to act within those laws, and fight for you to be treated with the same reasonable and respectful behavior as the other side. Please contact us if you want a Divorce Attorney in Santa Ana who will mediate whenever possible and will use the court to make decisions when mediation fails. We will assist you in making the transition into your new life as smooth as possible. We look forward to discussing your Dissolution matter with you and assisting you in determining the best solution for your needs and desires.