Our Story

The idea of a Smart Wall was conceived when the creator was lying in bed, trying to watch videos. It was very comfortable to lie in bed, but it wasn't too comfortable to hold up a laptop so that he could watch his videos. When he read about thin and clear OLED screens, ideas flowed into his mind about using that technology so that he could watch his videos in bed. From there, a smart assistant, a USB hub, and many other additions spawned, and customers will be able to finally get all of those benefits in one package.

The creator's frustration at high prices of the newest technologies also sparked him to revolutionize the way that the Smart Wall was manufactured. The new manufacturing process makes it easier, faster, and cleaner to make the Smart Walls. Every step in the making of every Smart Wall is environmentally friendly, reusing resources that would have gone to waste. Huge solar panels and wind turbines power the plants that make the Smart Walls, and fossil fuels are not used in any step of the process except for shipping.


